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coated paper中文翻译,coated paper是什么意思,coated paper发音、用法及例句

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coated paper中文意思翻译


 coated paper中文翻译,coated paper是什么意思,coated paper发音、用法及例句

铜版纸,盖[涂]料纸; 涂布纸


coated paper双语使用场景

1、Grohal belong to the coated paper series, the munltivariable uniform, fibrous tissue.───轻涂纸属于涂布纸序列, 其纤维组织均匀, 厚薄一致.

2、Double - coated paper: Paper coated on one or both sides twice.───双层粉纸: 纸的一面或两面,涂上两次粉剂.

3、On the surface tension of small oilysludge calendering coated paper, laminating adhesives to guarantee a better.───对表面张力小的压光涂布纸基材覆膜加工时,要保证胶粘剂有较好的流平性.

4、The production way of coated paper will transfer from " Out - machine " to " in - machine "───涂布纸生产方式将会从 “ 机外作业 ” 向 “ 机内作业 ” 转移.

5、In coated paper is widely used, second only to the clay.───在涂布纸中被广泛应用, 其使用量仅次于白土.

6、Machine coated paper: paper coated on the paper-making machine. Also called On-machine coated paper.───机上涂布粉纸:在造纸机上加上粉剂涂层的纸。

7、There are single and double - sided coated paper.───铜版纸有单、双面两类.

8、Lightweight coated paper: Coated paper ( often part - mechanical ) with substance below 60 g . s . m.───轻磅粉纸: 定量在先60克每平方米以下的粉纸 ( 通常含部分机械木浆 ).

9、Waterproof offset coated paper is required to have good waterproof property, wet strength and printing property.───在此条件下, 可生产出既有一定抗水性和湿强度,又有较好适印性的防水铜版原纸.

10、Generally: the than uncoated paper coated paper making and card making colorful effect.───通常来讲: 铜版纸比胶版纸的制卡和会员卡制作效果色彩鲜亮的多.

11、Business card printing papierhygiene of glossy surface belongs to half, especially coated paper.───制卡用纸的暗地属于半平华暗地, 尤其是涂料纸.

12、We drank from wax-coated paper cups reminiscent of a visit to the dentist.───我们喝水用的蜡纸杯让我想起了那次去看牙医的事。

13、Coated paper has a smooth polished coating especially suitable for halftone printing.───铜版纸有光滑的外膜,从而使其特别适合于半调色印刷.

14、It is also as coated paper coated paper.───所以铜版纸又称涂料纸.

15、Irrigants colouring agents may need to use specially coated paper.───液体的着色剂可能需要使用经过特殊涂布的纸张.

16、There are single - side coated paper , coated paper for double - sided coated paper.───铜版纸有单不面铜版纸 、 双不面铜版纸.

17、Special coated paper class: back photoptic carbon velcanized, velcanized, fiber paper.───出格增工纸类: 不背碳原纸 、 感陡原纸 、 纤维纸.

18、Instead of resin coated paper, resin soaked fabric was used.───而不是树脂涂布纸,树脂浸泡织物用。

coated paper相似词语短语

1、bad paper───拒付票据

2、command paper───敕令书

3、waxed paper───蜡纸

4、scratch paper───便条纸;便笺

5、bond paper───证券纸,铜版纸

6、butter paper───牛油纸,奶油包装纸

7、case papers───案例文件

8、corrugated paper───瓦楞纸;波状纸板

9、corrugated papers───瓦楞纸;波状纸板


模造纸(semi-woodfree paper)


铜版纸(coated paper)


雪面铜版纸(matt art paper)


圣经纸(bible paper)




再生纸(Recycled Paper)



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