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house of representatives中文翻译,house of representatives是什么意思,house of representatives发音、用法及例句

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house of representatives中文意思翻译


 house of representatives中文翻译,house of representatives是什么意思,house of representatives发音、用法及例句


house of representatives双语使用场景

1、House of Representatives today held a meeting raised the flag the right - wing .───今天众议院开会, 右翼 升起了国旗.

2、The bill is now guaranteed an easy passage through the House of Representatives.───现在该法案保证能在众议院顺利通过。

3、No interest group is permitted to enter the House of Representatives or the Senate and vote.───利益集团不被允许进入众议院或参议院,也不能投票.

4、The House of Representatives approved the Commission's recommendation on January 9,1902.───众议院于1902年1月9日批准该委员会的建议书.

5、Adams died in 1848 while speaking in the House of Representatives.───1848年,亚当总统在众议院发表演说时瘁死于任上.

6、Constitutional law adopted by the House of Representatives must be allowed.───宪法规定法律之通过须经两院允许.

7、When the House of Representatives exercised this power in Chadha's case, he brought suit.───就在众议院于“查达”案里行使这一权力时, 当事人提起了诉讼.

8、He was elected to the House of Representatives in 1847.───他于1847年被选入众议院.

9、It consists of two chambers : a Senate and a House of Representatives.───它由参议院和众议院组成.

10、The House of Representatives is larger than the Senate.───众议院比参议院大些.

11、Nancy Pelosi , the speaker of the House of Representatives, is adamantly opposed.───但是也有不少国会议员表示这会侵犯他们的职责.

12、They are known as the House of Representatives and the Senate.───它们被称为众议院和参议院.

13、apportionment of seats in the House of Representatives is based on the population of each state.───众议院的席位是根据各州的人口分配的。

14、The House of Representatives approved a new budget plan.───众议院批准了一项最新预算案。

15、He is speaker of the House of Representatives.───他是众议院的议长.

16、The House of Representatives passed health care legislation earlier this month.───众议院通过的保健立法在本月初.

17、If vote is equal, the House of Representatives would decide the winner.───如果票数一样, 众议院将决定谁是总统.

18、The House of Representatives approved a new budget.───众议院批准了一项新的预算方案。

house of representatives相似词语短语

1、house of prostitution───**之家

2、sales representatives───销售代表

3、group representations───群表示

4、sales representative───[贸易]销售代表

5、union representative───联盟代表;工会代表

6、false representation───虚假陈述

7、House of Representatives───众议院

8、State Representative───国家代表

9、legal representations───法律声明;法律代表


众议院(House of Representatives) ,西方两院制国家的议会的下议院,有些国家称为第二院,众议院的议员人数是按各地人口多少的比例分配的,另一院为参议院。众议员的选举原则规定为:国会众议员依据各州人口比例分配名额选出,众议员与人口的比例不得超过1∶3万(即每位众议员至少须代表3万选民),但每个州至少应有1名众议员。美国人口普查每10年进行一次,依普查结果重新分配众议院议席。众议院由人民提名选出。



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