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center of mass中文翻译,center of mass是什么意思,center of mass发音、用法及例句

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center of mass中文意思翻译



 center of mass中文翻译,center of mass是什么意思,center of mass发音、用法及例句

center of mass双语使用场景

1、The origin is located on the axis at the point closest to the center of mass.───原点坐落在转轴上最靠近物体质心的一点.

2、In pancreatic carcinoma, cystic lesions represent necroses and liquefaction in the center of mass.───胰腺癌的囊性变为肿瘤中心的坏死、液化.

3、It will remind you of center of mass and all that.───它将来会让你想起质心等等。

4、A center of symmetry must coincide with the center of mass.───对称中心必须与质量中心重合.

5、Do We Mistake Center of Mass Center of Gravity?───错误的根源在于混淆了质心与重心 吗 ?

6、Then the object is spun, and it lifts its center - of - mass just like a Tippe Top.───当它旋转时, 它的重心上升,如同神奇陀螺.

7、The velocity of the center of mass is constant in the absence of external forces.───在无外力时,质心的速度是常量.

8、Fred fired without thinking, a full auto burst , dead center of mass.───佛瑞德想也没想就开火了, 整整一梭子, 射向心脏部位.

9、Suppression: Pulling down with the shoulders. Settling into the center of mass.───压制: 向下拉肩膀,拉向身体中心.

10、Then as the star moves around the center of mass, you see that all these lines drift in unison.───随着恒星绕在,质量中心转动,你能看到所有这些线,一致得移动。

11、A solution is given about center of mass of double - shaft vibrator it is simple and practical.───介绍了一种双轴振动机质心问题的求解方法,简便可行.

12、The importance of keeping gyro center - of - mass shifts to a minimum is apparent.───保持陀螺质量中心位移为最小的重要性是非常明显的.

center of mass相似词语短语

1、centre of masses───[力]质心;质量中心

2、letter of marques───逮捕的许可证

3、centre of mass───[力]质心;质量中心

4、centre pass───中心传球

5、center jumps───中心跳跃

6、center of gravitys───重心

7、center of gravity───[力]重心







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