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run past中文翻译,run past是什么意思,run past发音、用法及例句

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 run past中文翻译,run past是什么意思,run past发音、用法及例句

run past中文意思翻译



run past双语使用场景

1、"Other kids would just run past, " says Haley, "but I was always glad to have a conversation. "───“其他的小孩通常都会溜过去”,海利说,“但我总是高兴举能有对谈的机会。”

2、The bonds we find here should run past these lines.───我们在这里找到的纽带,应该跨越这些界线。

3、Amongst the middle of preparing for exams, and watching the graduates run past, all that's left for me is to wonder.───在忙着考试复习,和看着毕业生从眼前跑过之间,我的脑海里只有一件事情。

4、Do not to run past a dog.───见到狗不要撒腿就跑。

5、For seventeen minutes this solid column moved at a run past this nineteen-year-old gunner, its closest files within 35 yards of his weapon.───大约七分钟,这支严密的纵队奔跑经过了这名19岁的枪手,最接近他的单列纵队距离他的武器大约35码。

6、African wolf spiders bodies are slung low to the ground, that help them to run past in capturing their prey.───非洲狼蛛的身体很低,接近地面,这有助于它们在捕食猎物时跑得更快。

7、blocks of amber were run past the synchrotron twice.───琥珀块被放在同步加速器中两次。

8、Captain Bowen: Remember when you were a kid and your hold your breath when you run past a grave yard? Leave that man alone.───鲍恩队长:你是否记得,当你还是个小孩地时候,当你在穿过一块坟地地时候,吓得屏住了呼吸?离那个人远点儿。

9、I run past, said we heap together!───我小跑过去,说道我们一起堆吧!

run past相似词语短语

1、run back───回忆;返回

2、to run past───跑过去

3、recent past───最近


5、runs past───跑过去

6、run out───用完;耗尽;跑出;到期;伸向

7、ran past───跑了过去(ran是run的过去式);跑步经过(ran是run的过去式)

8、running past───跑过去


结语:run past是什么意思、发音和在线翻译,run past 例句: He has just run away from a house of detention, and is on the beach, caught between land and water, between past and future.他刚从看守所逃跑,run past后面加什么,[最佳回答] run past 是“跑过去”的意思,后面加 past 的对象,人或物。


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