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burn up中文翻译,burn up是什么意思,burn up发音、用法及例句

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 burn up中文翻译,burn up是什么意思,burn up发音、用法及例句

burn up中文意思翻译




burn up双语使用场景

1、Let's burn up all this waste paper.───咱们把这些废纸烧掉吧.

2、He put more wood in the fire to make it burn up.───他往火上加木材想让他烧的更旺.

3、Then burn up the rest of the meat and the bread.───32剩下的肉和饼,你们要用火焚烧.

4、The station would burn up on re-entry into the earth's atmosphere.───空间站在重返地球大气层时会被烧毁。

5、The station would burn up on reentry into the Earth's atmosphere.───该操作台会在重新进入地球大气层时烧掉。

6、This machine is designed to burn up if overused.───这个机器,按其设计,如果过度使用就会烧毁.

7、Put some wood on the fire and make it burn up.───在火上加点柴,使它烧旺一点.

8、A half hour of swimming will burn up 108 calories.───游泳半小时将燃烧掉108卡路里的热量.

9、That's impossible ! It will burn up.───不可能, 飞船会被烧坏的.

10、Our engine's gonna burn up!───引擎要烧毁了!

11、Flame retardants save lives, so we don't burn up on our couch.───阻燃剂能挽救生命, 因此我不会烧着沙发.

12、Usually they burn up about 100 km above the earth.───它们常在地球上空约100公里处被烧毁.

13、The reasons causing burn - up of heavy - duty dumper motor are analyzed.───目前应用的双驱动重型卸料车,经常发生烧毁电机的故障.

14、He put some coals on the fire and made it burn up.───他给火添了些煤块,使水烧得更旺.

15、He put more wood on the fire to make it burn up.───他往火里续了些木柴,让它烧得旺些.

16、The plane circled the airport to burn up excess fuel.───飞机在机场上空盘旋以耗掉多余的燃料。

17、Aerobic exercise gets the heart pumping and helps you to burn up the fat.───有氧运动加速心脏跳动,有助于消耗更多脂肪。

burn up相似词语短语

1、burnt up───烧毁(burnt是burn过去式)

2、burned up───v.烧起来;烧掉;发怒


4、burn out───烧坏;烧尽;不再热衷

5、churn up───搅拌


7、turn up───出现;发生;开大;发现;卷起;使仰卧

8、burns up───v.烧起来;烧掉;发怒



wake up 醒来

bring up 抚养

dry up 干涸

push up 提高

pull up 停下

hurry up 快点

pick up 捡起

get up 起床

think up 仔细思考

shut up 闭嘴

check up 检查

cheer up 鼓舞,使高兴

build up 建立

show up 出现,露面

mix up 糊涂,混淆

cut up 切碎

look up 查出

stand up 起立

cry up 吹嘘,赞扬

turn up 出现,翻起


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