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thumb through中文翻译,thumb through是什么意思,thumb through发音、用法及例句

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 thumb through中文翻译,thumb through是什么意思,thumb through发音、用法及例句

thumb through中文意思翻译




thumb through双语使用场景

1、It has long been known that a taxi firm called AAAA Cars has a big advantage over Zodiac Cars when customers thumb through their phone directories.───人们早已知道在客户翻阅电话簿时,名叫AAAA的出租汽车公司要比Zodiac出租汽车公司有更大的优势。

2、The thumb through the loop the bundled silk hanging from the other end of the loop.───透过环(回路)这个大拇指,捆(包)丝绸从环(回路)的另一个末端悬挂。

3、It has long been known that a taxi firm called AAAA cars has a big advantage over Zodiac cars when customers thumb through their phone directories.───长久以来,大家都知道顾客翻阅电话号码薄时,AAAA汽车公司可是比Zodiac汽车公司占尽了天机。

4、Thumb through any dictionary, and you will see pages of words followed by definitions.───只要(用拇指)翻遍任何一本词典, 就可看到整页整页的词后面均有解释.

thumb through相似词语短语

1、to thumb through───翻阅

2、think through───彻底地想清楚

3、struck through───透印;透墨;击穿;删去

4、thumbs through───翻查,浏览

5、thumbed through───翻查,浏览

6、thumbing through───翻查,浏览

7、thought through───彻底地想清楚

8、thinks through───彻底地想清楚

9、rub through───勉强度过;挨过


There is a saying goes "To learn is to use." 学以致用 But I believe the opposite is also true: to use is to learn, at least in terms of language study. So this is the first point I wanna make: Try to spend some time everyday using English. At least 30 minutes. An hour would be better.


To make sure you understand enough so as to improve, you have to do two things. Firstly, Choose the right material. In other words, if the books are too difficult, you will find it hard to keep learning. You could even give up halfway. But if the books are too easy. You are unlikely to make progress. Now, this is my rule of thumb. Suitable reading material contains about 10% new words. No more than 15.


Secondly, you need to make sure you understand everything correctly. Online translators could help. But there are a lot of mistakes. So I would recommend the books with Chinese translation for your reference. Or you can go through some official websites which have bilingual text. But if you are still not very clear about what exactly something means, It's always a good idea to consult someone professional like me.

其次你需要确保你正确地理解每句话。在线翻译器可以提供帮助,但通常会有不少错误,所以我推荐一些带有中文译文的书籍。或者你可以去看一些有双语文本的官方网站,比如China Daily。但如果你仍然不是很清楚某一些东西的具体意思,完全可以请教一些专业人士,比如我。

Grammar is only important when a sentence is too complex to make sense.


Now let's come to language sensibility, 语感. To get this, you need to understand the concept of connotation as opposed to denotation. The latter is pretty obvious. You can see from the Chinese translation in the dictionary. But the former is always hidden behind the Chinese equivalence.


Take mouse and rat for example. You need to check the English definition, in order to find out that a rat is bigger than a mouse. So when you describe someone as a rat, It's perfectly acceptable. But we don't use mouse. The same is true for envious and jealous. Only when you look at the English definition instead of the Chinese translation can you really understand what the differences are. So what I'm trying to say here is looking for the English definition in the dictionary is a much better way for you to really understand a word.

比如 mouse 和 rat 都指老鼠,你需要去查阅英文释义,以便于搞清楚,rat 比 mouse 要大一些,类似于田鼠,硕鼠。当你形容一个人很卑鄙,可以用 rat,而不能用 mouse。同理表示羡慕,嫉妒也有两个词,只有当你去看英文释义,而不是中文翻译的时候,你才能够真正的理解他们之间的区别。总之,我想说的是查找英文释义才能保证准确理解一个词。

One thing relating to this is that you need to understand the subtle differences between two similar words. These include formal or informal, polite or offensive, etc.



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