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get the better of中文翻译,get the better of是什么意思,get the better of发音、用法及例句

get the better of发音

英:  美:

 get the better of中文翻译,get the better of是什么意思,get the better of发音、用法及例句

get the better of中文意思翻译




get the better of双语使用场景

1、I allowed my feelings to get the better of me.───我允许感觉占上风.

2、We must get the better of them in that argument.───在辩论中我们必须胜过他们.

3、Mark does have a habit of allowing his temperament to get the better of him.───马克的确经常由着自己的性子来。

4、Self - deception is likely to get the better of you this week.───巨蟹:自欺欺人只会弄得自己遍体鳞伤.

5、Your emotions may get the better of you.───可能会受你的情绪所控制.

6、These verbs mean to get the better of an adversary.───这些动词都表示战胜对手的意思.

7、Don't always try get the better of her over every incident.───不要总试图在每件事上都胜过她.

8、She speak with the abruptness of a person whose feelings have get the better of her.───她不能自己地、不连贯地讲着.

9、She looks as if her soul have get the better of her.───她看来象是被她自己的灵魂打垮了似的.

10、She didn't allow her emotions to get the better of her.───因为玛丽是这两个人中更为厉害的一个,她开始胜过科林了。

11、You get the better of that fellow.───像他那样的家伙你是不难胜过他的.

12、The drummer usually allowed his ardent good - nature to get the better of his speech.───这个推销员往往热心和好意过了火,说起话来就没个分寸了.

13、I have been pained by her manner this morning, and can't get the better of it.───她今天早晨的态度使我感到痛苦, 我不能平静下去.

14、You always get the better of me at chess.───你下国际象棋总是赢我.

15、No one can get the better of her in an argument.───她没有让情绪打败自己。

get the better of相似词语短语

1、all the better to───最好是

2、get the feel of───开始熟谙;习惯于

3、get the best of───击败,战胜;对…占优势

4、the better of───更好的

5、all the better for───更好的是

6、to get the better of sb───胜过某人

7、have the better of───打败;胜过



get the better of 的意思是:




get the best of





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