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made with(make with中文翻译,make with是什么意思,make with发音、用法及例句)

make with发音

英:[meɪk wɪð]  美:[ 英语知识-1道题带你快速明白,中考常考单词make的常用短语677次播放03:20nnnn会道英语2022年1月16日]

 made with(make with中文翻译,make with是什么意思,make with发音、用法及例句)

英:  美:

make with中文意思翻译




make with双语使用场景

1、What can you make with green onions and eggs: ramen.───有了葱跟蛋你可以做出什么: 泡面.

2、Sometimes the hurts and wounds we make with our angry words are the worst kind.───有时,气话所造成的伤痛是最坏的一种.

3、Make with the beers, buster!───伙计, 拿啤酒来!

4、They'll make with the jokes and save the jujitsu.───要他们尽打哈哈,别来柔道.

5、QUALITY POLICY : Science management, make with meticulous care, product superior quality, Sincere service.───质量方针: 科学管理 、 精心制造 、 产品优质 、 诚挚服务.

6、Ano, what exactly are you going to make with that?───那个(我讨厌罗马音), 你真的在购物 吗 ?

7、What conditions will you make with me upon the opening this affair to you?───假使我将这事向你公开,你肯答应我什么条件?

8、Make with the piano!───弹段儿钢琴吧!

9、Scientist discovery, boil the boiled water that make with crock more be helpful for health.───科学家发现, 用壶煮制的茶水更有利于健康.

10、Minutes only and I shall make with your love a narrow bed.───只需要几分钟,我就要和你的爱铺出一张窄床.

11、The arrangement you make with a plastic surgeon should be deemed as a contract.───你与整洁外科医生的协议应被视为是合同.

12、On your way. Make with the feet.───走吧! 迈开腿走吧.

13、What are the differences in what I can make with each of these approaches?───通过这些办法达到目的的不同之处在哪里?

14、When he himself might hisquietus make With a bare bodkin?───而这时完全可以了结自己,用一柄锋利的匕首?

15、do so by invoking make with the -j option.───j选项调用make来完成该操作。

16、Actually, two version should be published, make with benefIt'scholar compare research.───其实, 两个版本都应出版, 以利学者作比较研究.

17、An annuity is a contract you make with an insurance company.───是客户与保险公司签订的一种合同。

18、Just think of what work it would make with the day and night!───想想看,这白天和黑夜会变成什么样子!

make with相似词语短语

1、made with───作出;产生;谈妥

2、makes with───作出;产生;谈妥

3、broke with───v.结束;与…绝交,和…断绝关系;和…决裂

4、to make with───使

5、done with───完毕

6、make it───(病痛等)好转;达到预定目标;及时抵达;走完路程

7、make water───小便;漏水

8、making with───作出;产生;谈妥

9、make off with───带…而逃;偷走


都是制造的意思。makefrom物理变化,看不出原材料。makeof 化学变化,能知道具体原材料。


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