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move about中文翻译,move about是什么意思,move about发音、用法及例句

move about发音

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 move about中文翻译,move about是什么意思,move about发音、用法及例句

move about中文意思翻译


不停地走动,到处旅行,到处活动; 游动

move about双语使用场景

1、Though in constant motion the atoms do move about well - defined positions.───虽然原子不断地运动,但它们总是在明确规定的位置周围运动.

2、Kisch was free to move about and speak.───基希可以自由地走动和说话。

3、To walk or move about in a spirited manner ; strut.───孔雀在草地上昂首阔步地走着.

4、It may move about nervously and sound alarm calls.───它会乱跳飞鸣,发出报警叫声.

5、You will be warm enough if you move about.───你要是不停地走动就会暖和了.

6、Were you free to move about?───你们可以自由活动吗?

7、Grandma's getting old and finding it harder to move about.───奶奶年纪大了,行动不便.

8、Day and night the giant arms of cranes move about, loading and unloading cargo.───吊车的巨臂日夜移动, 装货卸货.

9、Even in an insulator the electrons can move about without leaving their parent atoms or molecules.───甚至在绝缘体内,电子也能不离开它所属的原子或分子而运动.

10、Does it move about or stay in one place?───疼痛满外窜,还是停留在一处 呢 ?

11、So crowed was the art gallery that I could hardly move about.───画廊是如此拥挤以至于我都无法移动.

12、It was easier to move about on the fringe of the crowd.───在人群外围移动比较容易.

13、His work required him to move about the country.───他的工作要求他全国四处跑.

14、We move about, even in jet travel, at speeds far less than the speed of light.───我们即使是乘飞机旅行, 运动的速率也远小于光速.

15、Peter, whose round eyes could only move about slowly, had a hard time looking out for her.───彼得那双圆眼睛迟钝地转动着,好不容易才找到她。

16、Why did he wish to move about so quietly.───他为什么要如此悄悄地走动?

17、Millions of people move about planet Earth by airplane every day.───每天有数以百万计的人们搭乘飞机在地球上移动著.

18、The positive charges do not move about; but the electrons do.───正电荷不能到处移动, 可是电子却能到处移动.

move about相似词语短语

1、arse about───v.闲混

2、gone about───v.着手做;四处走动;传开;从事

3、came about───v.发生;产生;改变方向

4、move around───v.走来走去;绕着……来回转

5、boss about───将人指挥得团团转

6、comes about───v.发生;产生;改变方向

7、horse about───骑马

8、come about───v.发生;产生;改变方向

9、move out───搬出;开始行动


用作动词 (v.)


move about〔around〕 (v.+adv.) 不停地走动; 到处旅行,到处活动


move along (v.+adv.) (使)往前走,(使)走开


move away (v.+adv.) 离开


move back (v.+adv.) (使)向后移, 搬回


move down1 (v.+adv.) (使)降级, 沿…移动,走下


move in (v.+adv.) 搬进,迁进


move on (v.+adv.) (使)走开,继续前进,继续进行,往前走


move out (v.+adv.) 搬出


move over (v.+adv.) 挪动一下,腾地方


move up (v.+adv.) (使)升级,提升


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