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spruce goose中文翻译,spruce goose是什么意思,spruce goose发音、用法及例句

spruce goose发音

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spruce goose中文意思翻译



 spruce goose中文翻译,spruce goose是什么意思,spruce goose发音、用法及例句

spruce goose双语使用场景

1、And the Spruce Goose would be a 15-megawatt wing.───史普鲁斯之鹅的翼大概是15万千瓦。

2、The largest plane ever constructed—the Spruce Goose—is largely comprised of spruce.───有史以来建造的最大飞机,云杉鹅主要是云杉组成的。

3、Eccentric millionaire Howard Hughes sits at the controls of his 200 ton flying boat named the "Spruce Goose" .───百万富翁霍华德休斯坐在他命名为“云杉鹅”200吨的飞行船。

4、Eccentric millionaire Howard Hughes sits at the controls of his 200 ton flying boat named the "Spruce Goose".───百万富翁霍华德·休斯坐在他命名为“云杉鹅”200吨的飞行船。

spruce goose相似词语短语

1、spruce pine───山地松

2、bernicle gooses───白鹅

3、spruce grouse───n.云杉松鸡

4、spruce grouses───n.云杉松鸡

5、barnacle goose───n.黑雁

6、barnacle gooses───n.黑雁

7、spruce beetle───云杉甲虫

8、blue goose───n.蓝鹅

9、bernicle goose───白鹅


goose有两种用法意义:n.鹅;〈非正式〉傻瓜,笨蛋;(裁缝用的)熨斗v.刺戳(某人的臀部);〈北美〉促进(某事);鼓舞;增加变形复数: geese 过去式: goosed 过去分词: goosed 现在分词: goosing 第三人称单数: gooses例句:

1.The goose is thought to be stupid animal. 鹅被认为是愚笨的动物。

2. She dislikes to eat goose. 她讨厌吃鹅肉。3、The farmer kept many geese on his pond. 这位农民在他的池塘里养了许多鹅。4、He said that what they were up to would cook Krasky's goose. 他说他们暗中进行的阴谋可能会使克拉斯基的计划流产。5、She still got goose bumps whenever he walked into the room. 只要他一走进房间,她仍旧会起鸡皮疙瘩。


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