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in the farm中文翻译,in the farm是什么意思,in the farm发音、用法及例句

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 in the farm中文翻译,in the farm是什么意思,in the farm发音、用法及例句

in the farm中文意思翻译



in the farm双语使用场景

1、In the farm for, a balance sheet is an important internal management tools, can be used to trace the production cost.───对于农场来说,资产负债表是一个重要的内部管理工具,可用来追查生产成本。

2、The old man attributed the extinction of the winged serpents to the fact that they were "terrors in the farm yards and coverts" .───这位老人归咎于有翅蛇灭绝的事实,他们则是“在农家和羽恐怖”。

3、First, create each storage area in the farm on a separate disk spindle or SAN LUN.───首先,在单独的磁盘轴或SAN LUN上创建场中的每个存储区域。

4、And not in a remote village in the farm, with such a group of special groups, a group of singing dancing party.───在一个并不算偏僻的乡村农场里,生活着这样一群特殊的群体——一群喜爱唱歌跳舞的“派对奶牛”。

5、At the foot of mountain, in the farm, lived a small chicken. He was a very impatient chicken, always in a bad skin.───在山脚下的一座农场里,有一只小鸡。他是一只非常急躁的小鸡,总是气乎乎的!

6、They spent a day and a night in the farm of a very poor family.───他们父子在一个农庄最贫穷的人家里住了一天一宿。

7、In this case, the information can simply be stored in a central repository across all the servers in the farm.───在这种情况中,信息可以简单地存储到一个跨场中所有服务器的集中储存库内。

8、Dorothy lived in the farm with her parents, but she was so lonely and just had a little dog---Todd as her friend.───小女孩多莉娅和父母一起住在农场里,但孤独的她没有朋友,只有小狗托托朝夕相处。

9、The light is gloomy in the farm house , but the children study very very conscientiously .───农舍里光线灰暗,但孩子们学习很很认真。

in the farm相似词语短语

1、in the frame───在框架内

2、in the bag───十拿九稳的;稳操胜券的

3、in the wars───在战争中

4、buy the farm───阵亡;买下农场(死了);突如其来的不正常死亡

5、in the dark───在黑暗中;不知道;秘密地

6、in the can───**杀青

7、in the cards───adj.似乎会发生的

8、in the air───在空中;悬而未决;在流传中;不设防

9、in the large───大规模的;全局的



in a farm为不定冠词,为泛指,中文意思是在农场

in the farm为定冠词,为特指,中文意思是在这家农场


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