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非洲象的英文(african elephants中文翻译,african elephants是什么意思,african elephants发音、用法及例句)

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 非洲象的英文(african elephants中文翻译,african elephants是什么意思,african elephants发音、用法及例句)

african elephants中文意思翻译



african elephants双语使用场景

1、Now let's see the African elephants, it is the largest mammal and second highest animal on land with a alert and irascible temperament.───下面是非洲象,它是陆地上最大的哺乳动物和第二高的动物,性情警惕而暴躁。

2、They have given their lives over to a passionate campaign to save endangered African elephants.───他们将全部生活倾注于拯救濒危非洲象这一充满激情的活动之中。

3、Poaching and habitat destruction threaten African elephants throughout their range.───偷猎和栖息地被破坏威胁着非洲象的生活范围。

4、Both male and female African elephants have tusks they use to dig for food and water and strip bark from trees.───雄性和雌性非洲象的象牙是用于掘食、掘水以及剥取树皮的。

5、Some endangered species, such as African Elephants and Wild Horses, are beginning to recover.───一些濒于灭绝的物种,比如非洲象和野马,正在开始“复苏”。

6、As Asian elephant herds dwindle, African elephants have become the only source of ivory.───随着亚洲象群日渐减少,非洲大象成了象牙的唯一来源。

7、Since African elephants live where the sun is usually blazing hot, they use their trunks to help them keep cool.───自从非洲象开始生活的地方太阳如燃烧一样热,它们就用鼻子来保持凉爽。

8、African elephants eat mainly roots, leaves, fruit, grasses, and bark.───非洲象主要吃树根、叶子、水果、杂草和树皮。

african elephants相似词语短语

1、Asian elephant───亚洲象

2、sea elephants───n.海象

3、Indian elephant───印度象,亚洲象

4、African elephant───非洲象

5、Indian elephants───印度象,亚洲象

6、African elephants───非洲象

7、pink elephants───幻觉;不可能的事;离奇的事


The elephant is a large mammal known for its distinctive long trunk, big ears, and huge size. There are two main types of elephants: the African elephant and the Asian elephant.

African elephants are typically larger than Asian elephants and have larger ears and a more convex forehead. They are found in savannas, forests, and deserts across sub-Saharan Africa.

Asian elephants, on the other hand, have smaller ears and a flatter forehead. They are found in forests and grasslands across South and Southeast Asia.

Elephants are social animals and live in groups led by a matriarch. They are herbivores and eat a diet consisting mainly of grass, leaves, and bark. Despite their size, elephants are known for their gentle nature and intelligence. However, they are also threatened by habitat loss and poaching for their ivory tusks.


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