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the bund中文意思翻译


 the bund中文翻译,the bund是什么意思,the bund发音、用法及例句

外滩(上海); [**]外滩佚事


the bund双语使用场景

1、My sister and I were in the Bund of Shanghai in 1999.───1999年元旦,我的小妹和我在上海外滩.

2、I haven't visited the Bund either.───我也没去过外滩。

3、The Bund is a must for visitors.───外滩是游客的必游之地。

4、We can see buildings of different styles along the Bund.───我们在外滩可以看到各种风格的建筑.

5、Therefore, all run over there love to the Bund.───所以, 都跑外滩那边谈情说爱去了.

6、After the cruise, we will enjoy a walk along the Bund.───游船后, 我们将陪同您步行游览外滩,众所周知,外滩又称为万国建筑博览会.

7、Very evening, some friends can stroll along the Bund.───傍晚十分, 可以约朋友一起沿外滩漫步.

8、Go straight ahead along the bund and then turn left.───沿着外滩往前走,然后往走转弯.

9、Welcome to The Bund Hotel of the Golden Bund Group.───欢迎光临金外滩福申宾馆!

10、Afterwards, they had a night out on the Bund at club ATTICA.───再之后, 他们在外滩的ATTICA俱乐部玩了一宿.

11、Welcome to The Bund Hotel.───欢迎光临金外滩!

12、Could you show me the way to the Bund?───请告诉我去外滩的路好 吗 ?

13、It was nine o'clock in the morning, and half a gale was howling along the Bund.───早上九点钟,外滩一带, 狂风怒吼.

14、Could you show me the way to the Bund of Shanghai?───请告诉我去外滩的路好吗?

15、The Bund has almost become the symbol of Shanghai.───外滩几乎已经成为了上海的标志.

16、Let's walk along the Bund, Shall we?───我们沿着外滩走走, 好 吗 ?

17、We can have a good view of the bund from here.───我们从这能清楚地看到外滩的景色.

18、Those building along the Bund remind me of those in Europe.───外滩的建筑物让我想到欧洲的建筑物.

the bund相似词语短语

1、the bends───减压病

2、the Sound───声音

3、the runs───跑步

4、the Rand───兰特

5、the beyond───来世

6、the bounce───弹跳

7、the end───结束;结局,剧终

8、the bad───坏人

9、the bush───灌木丛



Historical Building Preservation in the Bund Area in Shanghai with Comparative Method.上海外滩地区历史建筑保护。


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