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falls on中文意思翻译



 falls on中文翻译,falls on是什么意思,falls on发音、用法及例句

falls on双语使用场景

1、The question asked is, how much of the radiant energy from the sun that falls on a plant is converted into plant organic matter?───要问的问题是:照射到植物上的太阳辐射能有多少转化成植物有机物呢?。

2、The accent falls on the third syllable.───重音落在第三个音节上。

3、There is no doubt that this EISA Award falls on the products that are declared outstanding above any other ones in that field.───毫无疑问,这个奖属于EISA磁碟的产品,出色的上述宣布的任何其他的在这个领域。

4、full weight of responsibility falls on her.───全部的重任都落在了她的肩上。

5、But children who are older can still have some problems and I'll talk a little bit about how that falls on a continuum in just a minute.───但是,年纪较大的孩子仍然存在着一些问题,并且我会很快谈到这是如何连续下降的。

6、About one in every 20 meteorites that falls on the surface of the Earth is probably a bit of Vesta.───落在地球的陨石中,每二十块中就约有一块可能来自灶神星。

7、When you look at a book, it sends some of the light which falls on it to your eyes, and you see the book.───当你看一本书,它反射的一些光落在你的眼睛,你能看见书。

8、In front of the company, he was knocked Yue Lai candidates come to the ground, it falls on his head.───在公司大门前,他被前来应聘的黎悦撞翻在地,还砸到了他的脑袋。

9、My birthday falls on a Monday this year.───今年我的生日适逢星期一。

falls on相似词语短语

1、falls for───迷恋;信以为真

2、fallen on───落到;指向

3、falls down───跌倒;失败;倒塌

4、falls off───减少;跌落;下降;离开;衰退

5、falls upon───开始行动,进攻

6、fall on───落到;指向

7、falls out───发生;脱落;争吵;离队;结果是

8、falls in───塌陷;跌入;集合;到期

9、calls on───访问,拜访;号召,请求

2、falls on后面接什么?

1.The full weight of responsibility falls on her.全部的重任都落在了她的肩上。

2.My birthday falls on a Monday this year.今年我的生日适逢星期一。

3.He has good looks and charm, and always falls on his feet他长得很帅,也有魅力,总是走好运。

4.A vastly disproportionate burden falls on women for child care.照料孩子的重担落在了女性身上。


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