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12.Longju is a traditional form of Chinese opera originating from the Longxi region in China, hence its name. It is an important branch of Chinese opera with a long history and unique performance style.

13.Longju originated in the Ming Dynasty, developed in the Qing Dynasty, and became popular during the Republic of China period. It was originally performed by folk artists in villages and towns, but gradually developed into a professional form of opera. In the early 20th century, Longju began to enter urban stages and gained popularity among the audience.

14.There are three main characteristics of Longju performances: first, its singing is melodious and has strong local characteristics; second, it has unique performing techniques including body movements, hand gestures, and facial expressions; third, it has diverse melodies including fast-paced and slow-paced tunes that can express different emotions and atmospheres.

15.The most distinctive feature of Longju is its singing style. It uses the "four major sections" technique which incorporates different tones such as high-pitched, low-pitched, and stable to portray different characters and emotions. At the same time, Longju also emphasizes the combination of singing and movements to enhance its expressive power.

16.Longju also has unique scripts that are mostly based on folk legends, historical stories, and real-life events in the Longxi region. It reflects the lives and emotions of the local people. Longju also incorporates the essence of other opera forms such as Beijing Opera and Yu Opera, making it more diverse and rich.

17.Longju also has its own unique performance style. It follows the "three acts, four scenes" format, with each scene having a clear theme and development process. In terms of stage setting and costume design, Longju often uses exquisite local props and gorgeous costumes.

18.In recent years, with the development of society and changes in audience preferences, Longju has also been constantly innovating. Some young actors have started to incorporate popular elements into Longju performances and add more contemporary elements to the stage. This not only preserves traditional cultural characteristics but also meets the aesthetic needs of modern audiences.

19.Longju has also received attention and protection from the government. In 2006, it was listed as a national intangible cultural heritage and has received support from relevant policies and funds. At the same time, professional Longju troupes are also growing, contributing to the inheritance and development of Longju.

20.In conclusion, as an important branch of Chinese opera, Longju has a long history and unique performance style. It attracts audiences with its melodious singing, unique performing techniques, and diverse scripts. With the changing times, Longju is constantly innovating while maintaining its unique charm.


Longju is a traditional form of Chinese opera originating from China's Longxi region. It has a long history dating back to Ming Dynasty but gained popularity in recent years during Republic of China period when it entered urban stages. Its performances are characterized by melodious singing with strong local flavor using different tones to express emotions through body movements. Its scripts are based on folk tales or real-life events in Longxi region while incorporating elements from other opera forms like Beijing Opera or Yu Opera. Recently it is becoming more innovative by adding contemporary elements while keeping traditional characteristics. It has received government support and is growing in popularity.


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