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- 按支付周期划分:包括月薪、日薪、时薪等。

- 按工作性质划分:包括基本工资、绩效工资、津贴等。

- 按所得税率划分:包括税前工资和税后工资。

- 按行业划分:不同行业对同一职位的薪资水平可能有差异。


1) 我每个月的薪资都会按时发放。

2) 这份工作的基本工资很高,但绩效奖金也很有吸引力。

3) 由于个人所得税率提高,我的税后工资有所下降。

4) 在金融行业,同样职位的人可能会有不同的薪资待遇。


- 调整薪资:指根据公司的经营状况、个人表现等因素,对员工的薪资进行调整。

- 薪资福利:指除了基本薪资外,公司提供给员工的其他福利,如保险、假期等。

- 薪资待遇:指员工在公司所获得的薪资和其他福利。

- 薪资水平:指某一职位或行业的平均薪资水平。

- 薪资差距:指同一职位或同一行业不同人之间薪资待遇的差异。

5.Salary is the compensation that an employee receives during the course of their work, usually in the form of money. It is also known as wages, pay or remuneration. Salary is a reward for labor input and can be in the form of fixed monthly pay, hourly pay or performance-based bonuses.

The classification of salary can be based on different criteria, some common ways include:

- Payment period: such as monthly salary, daily wage, hourly wage.

- Nature of work: such as basic salary, performance-based salary, allowances.

- Tax rate: including pre-tax salary and after-tax salary.

- Industry: different industries may have different salary levels for the same position.

6. Examples:

1) My salary is paid on time every month.

2) The basic salary for this job is high, but the performance bonus is also attractive.

3) Due to an increase in personal income tax rate, my after-tax salary has decreased.

4) In the finance industry, people in the same position may have different salary packages.

7. Word combinations:

- Salary adjustment: refers to the act of adjusting an employee's salary based on the company's performance and individual performance.

- Salary benefits: refers to the benefits provided by a company to its employees, such as insurance, vacation days, etc.

- Salary package: refers to the total compensation that an employee receives from a company, including salary and other benefits.

- Salary level: refers to the average salary level for a certain position or industry.

- Salary gap: refers to the difference in salary packages between individuals in the same position or industry.



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