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shǔ dào nán









1)蜀道(shǔ dào):指连接川蜀地区和中原地区的道路。

2)难行(nán xíng):指行走困难。

3)青天(qīng tiān):指蓝天。

4)路险(lù xiǎn):指道路崎岖险恶。

5)退缩(tuì suō):指因恐惧而后退或放弃。

6)风雨(fēng yǔ):指大风和雨水,也比喻艰难困苦的环境。

7)无情(wú qíng):指没有感情,冷酷无情。

8)有情(yǒu qíng):指有感情,温暖有爱。


蜀道难 shǔ dào nán

千古第一长诗 qiān gǔ dì yī cháng shī

难于上青天 nán yú shàng qīng tiān

路险难行人已迷 lù xiǎn nán xíng rén yǐ mí

壮志未酬心仍坚 zhuàng zhì wèi chóu xīn réng jiān

The Difficult Road

This is a famous poem written by the ancient Chinese poet Li Bai, known as the "greatest long poem of all time". It depicts the hardships and obstacles encountered by the author during his journey, expressing deep thoughts and reflections on life and humanity. This poem has been widely praised and studied, becoming an indispensable classic in Chinese literary history.

Difficulty of the Road

The pronunciation of "shǔ dào nán" is "sh"-"u"-"d"-"a"- "o" with a rising tone, "nán" with a falling tone. (Note: The letters "sh", "n", and "ü" in Pinyin are initials that represent different sounds in Chinese. They are pronounced as "sh", "n", and "ü".)


1. The road is difficult, as difficult as reaching the blue sky.

2. The road is treacherous, making it hard for people to find their way.

3. Though the road is tough, I will not give up.

4. The wind and rain are merciless, but my heart remains strong.

5. My ambition is not yet fulfilled, but my determination remains unshaken.

Related words:

1) Shǔ dào (蜀道): refers to the road connecting Sichuan province and Central China.

2) Nán xíng (难行): means difficult to walk.

3) Qīng tiān (青天): refers to the blue sky.

4) Lù xiǎn (路险): means a dangerous or difficult road.

5) Tuì suō (退缩): means to retreat or give up due to fear.

6) Fēng yǔ (风雨): refers to strong winds and rain, also metaphorically represents hardships and difficulties.

7) Wú qíng (无情): means no emotions or ruthless.

8) Yǒu qíng (有情): means having emotions or warm and loving.

Chinese and English Comparison:

蜀道难 shǔ dào nán

The Difficult Road

千古第一长诗 qiān gǔ dì yī cháng shī

The greatest long poem of all time

难于上青天 nán yú shàng qīng tiān

As difficult as reaching the blue sky

路险难行人已迷 lù xiǎn nán xíng rén yǐ mí

The road is treacherous, making it hard for people to find their way

壮志未酬心仍坚 zhuàng zhì wèi chóu xīn réng jiān

My ambition is not yet fulfilled, but my determination remains unshaken





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