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6.Peony is a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the Ranunculaceae family. It is a well-known traditional Chinese medicinal and ornamental plant. Peony, also known as Bai Shao, Chi Shao, Qing Shao, etc., derives its name from its description in the ancient medical book "Shennong Bencao Jing". In ancient Chinese literature, peony has been given rich imagery and praised as "the beauty of the country".

According to different morphological characteristics and uses, peony can be divided into three main varieties: white peony, red peony, and green peony. White peony is the most common variety with a conical root that is solid and white in color; red peony has a spindle-shaped root that is softer and slightly red; green peony has a slender and soft root with a light green color. There are also a few other varieties such as yellow flower and purple flower.

As one of the commonly used traditional Chinese medicines, white peony has the functions of nourishing blood, relieving pain, regulating menstruation and sping leukorrhea. It has a wide range of applications in the treatment of gynecological diseases. Red peony is often used for clearing heat, cooling blood, detoxifying, and reducing swelling. It is suitable for symptoms such as heat toxins and eczema. Green peony has the functions of promoting blood circulation, dispersing stasis, reducing swelling, and relieving pain. It is commonly used to treat injuries from falls or sore throat.

For example: "Women who take white peony can nourish their skin and improve their appearance." "After taking red peony for a period of time, the patient's eczema improved significantly." "Athletes who were injured during a competition recovered quickly after using green peony for local massage."

Some compound words related to peony include: white peony root, red peony leaves, green peony stems, yellow flower stamens, purple flower buds, peony wine, red peony powder, green peony soup.

In summary, as a traditional Chinese medicine and ornamental plant with a long history in China, there are various types of peonies with different uses. They have been widely used in traditional Chinese medicine and are highly regarded in Chinese culture.


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