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2.胸花(xiōng huā)的读音为[xiōng huā],其中“xiōng”读作第一声,“huā”读作第四声。



1. 她今天穿着一件黑色西装,配上一朵红色玫瑰胸花,看起来非常优雅。

2. 在这次上,请大家都佩戴我们公司设计的蓝色丝带胸花。

3. 作为新郎,我要佩戴一朵白玫瑰胸花来迎接我的新娘。

4. 作为团的一员,我佩戴着象征我们的国花胸花,感到十分自豪。

5. 这次活动中,我们所有的志愿者都佩戴着精心制作的小熊胸花,以示团结和友爱。

4. 胸花可以组合成各种不同的形式和样式。,可以将多朵小花组合在一起制成一朵大花;也可以将多种颜色的鲜花交错编织在一起;还可以在胸花上加上小装饰品如蝴蝶结、珠子等。另外,还可以根据不同场合和需求来选择不同材质的胸花,如用金属材质制作的胸针,在正式场合会更加得体。

5. 胸花 - brooch

佩戴 - wear, put on

衣服 - clothes, clothing

美感 - aesthetic feeling

身份 - identity, status

读音 - pronunciation

团 - delegation, group

- country, nation

企业活动 - company event, corporate activity

精心制作 - elaborate design/make

装饰品 - decoration, accessory

Chest flower, what is it? How to wear a chest flower?

1. A chest flower is a decorative item that is usually worn on the chest of clothing. It can be made of materials such as flowers, feathers, beads, or a combination of metals and fabrics. Wearing a chest flower can enhance the beauty of clothing and also serve as a symbol of identity.

2. The pronunciation of chest flower (xiōng huā) is [xiōng huā], with "xiōng" pronounced in the first tone and "huā" in the fourth tone.

3. A chest flower can be worn at formal occasions or special events. For example, at weddings, the groom and bride may wear fresh flower chest flowers to symbolize joy and best wishes; at political conventions, delegation members may wear chest flowers representing their country or region to showcase their identity; in corporate events, employees may wear company logo-designed chest flowers to demonstrate team spirit.

Example sentences:

1. She is wearing a black suit today with a red rose chest flower, looking very elegant.

2. At this meeting, please all wear our company's designed blue ribbon chest flowers.

3. As the groom, I will wear a white rose chest flower to welcome my bride.

4. As a member of the delegation, I am proud to wear the national flower chest flower representing our country.

5. In this event, all our volunteers are wearing carefully crafted teddy bear chest flowers to show unity and friendship.

4. Chest flowers can be created in various forms and styles. For example, multiple small flowers can be combined together to make one big flower; different colored fresh flowers can be intertwined together; small decorations such as bows or beads can also be added on the chest flower. Additionally, different materials can be chosen for different occasions and needs such as using metal materials for making brooches which would be more suitable for formal occasions.

5. Chest flower - brooch

Wear - wear, put on

Clothing - clothes, clothing

Aesthetic feeling - aesthetic feeling

Identity - identity, status

Pronunciation - pronunciation

Delegation - delegation, group

Country - country, nation

Corporate event - company event, corporate activity

Elaborate design/make - elaborate design/make

Decoration - decoration, accessory

In summary, a chest flower is a decorative item worn on the chest of clothing that can come in various forms and styles. It can be made of different materials and serves as a symbol of identity or adds beauty to one's outfit. There are also different ways to wear a chest flower depending on the occasion. Whether it's a simple brooch or an elaborately designed piece, a chest flower is a versatile accessory that can elevate any look.


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