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英 [ˈʃɑːŋbəʊn] 美 [ˈʃæŋboʊn]


1) 跳伞运动员在落地时需要保持双腿伸直,并且承受着身体重量的压力,这时候就需要靠胫骨来支撑。

2) 跑步时,胫骨会承受身体重量的冲击力,保护膝盖和踝关节免受损伤。

3) 在进行高难度的瑜伽动作时,需要借助胫骨来保持身体平衡。

4) 足球运动员在比赛中经常需要用到腿部力量,胫骨就是他们重要的支撑部位。

5) 进行跳绳运动时,胫骨也会发挥重要作用,帮助身体保持稳定。


1) 胫骨折:指胫骨发生断裂或断裂性移位的损伤。

2) 胫骨肌:指附着在胫骨上的肌肉,主要包括腓肠肌、长侧腓肠肌和短侧腓肠肌。

3) 胫骨头:指胫骨上端呈半圆形的部分,与大腿上端的关节面相连。

4) 胫骨远端:指胫骨下端呈三角形的部分,与距骨相连。

5) 胫骨干:指胫骨中间的长管状部分,是最粗壮的部分。


The fibula, also known as the calf bone, is the longest bone in the human lower leg, located on the outer side of the calf. It connects the knee and ankle joints and bears most of the body's weight. The fibula is one of two long tubular bones that make up the lower leg, with the other being the tibia.

The fibula is composed of three parts: a proximal end for muscle attachment, a shaft in the middle, and a distal end for joint surfaces. The proximal end is connected to the femur, forming the knee joint; while the distal end is connected to the tibia, forming the ankle joint. The main function of the fibula is to support and protect body weight and participate in activities such as walking and running.

Pronunciation: [ˈʃɑːŋbəʊn] (British English) [ˈʃæŋboʊn] (American English)


1) When skydivers land, they need to keep their legs straight and bear their body weight, relying on their fibulas for support.

2) When running, the fibula absorbs impact forces to protect the knees and ankles from injury.

3) During advanced yoga poses, balance can be maintained by using your fibulas.

4) Football players often rely on their legs' strength during games, with their fibulas being an important supporting structure.

5) Jumping rope also requires strong fibulas to help maintain stability.

Compound words:

1) Fibular fracture: Refers to a break or displacement of the fibula.

2) Fibular muscles: Refers to the muscles attached to the fibula, including the gastrocnemius, soleus, and peroneus longus.

3) Fibular head: Refers to the rounded upper end of the fibula, which articulates with the upper end of the thigh bone.

4) Fibular distal end: Refers to the triangular lower end of the fibula, which connects to the tibia.

5) Fibular shaft: Refers to the long tubular middle part of the fibula, which is its thickest portion.

In summary, the fibula is an important bone in our lower leg that supports our body weight and participates in various activities. Its structure is divided into three parts and plays a crucial role in maintaining balance and protecting our joints from injury. Remember to take care of your fibulas and keep them strong for a healthy lower leg!


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