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1. 腹部是人体的一部分,位于胸部和盆腔之间,主要包括腹肌、腹膜、内脏器官等组织结构。

2. 腹部的读音为fù bù,是一个三声词汇。

3. 腹部的主要功能是保护内脏器官,如胃、肝、肾等,同时也参与呼吸、消化和排泄等生理过程。此外,腹部还具有支撑和运动功能,在运动时能够帮助身体保持平衡。


1. 我的腹部感觉有些不舒服,可能是吃坏了东西。

2. 他做了一次手术,切除了腹部的肿瘤。

3. 老人常年饱受便秘之苦,导致腹部肿胀不适。

4. 女性怀孕后会自己的腹部慢慢变大,这是因为扩张所致。

5. 运动可以有效地收紧腰腹部肌肉,使身材更加匀称。

4. 腹部组词:

- 胃下垂:指胃向下移位,并压迫邻近器官,引起腹部不适。

- 腹腔积液:指腹腔内积聚过多的液体,常见于肝、肾等疾病。

- 腹肌撕裂:指腹部肌肉受到外力撕裂,通常发生在剧烈运动或受伤时。

- 脐疝:指由于脐部肌肉松弛或损伤,导致内脏器官突出形成的凸起。

- 胰腺炎:指胰腺发生急性或慢性炎症,常表现为剧烈的上腹部疼痛。

5. 腹部是什么?

Abdomen is a part of the human body, located between the chest and pelvis, mainly composed of abdominal muscles, peritoneum, and visceral organs.

1. Abdomen is a part of the human body that is located between the chest and pelvis. It is also known as the belly or stomach area.

2. The word "abdomen" is pronounced as /ˈæbdəmən/, with the stress on the first syllable.

3. The main function of the abdomen is to protect vital organs such as the stomach, liver, and kidneys. It also plays a role in breathing, digestion, and excretion processes. In addition, it provides support and aids in movement by helping to maintain balance.

Example sentences:

1. My abdomen feels uncomfortable, I might have eaten something bad.

2. He had surgery to remove a tumor from his abdomen.

3. Elderly people often suffer from bloating and discomfort in the abdomen due to chronic constipation.

4. During pregnancy, women will notice their abdomen gradually getting bigger as the uterus expands.

5. Exercise can effectively tighten the muscles of the waist and abdomen, making the body more proportionate.

4. Words related to the abdomen:

- Gastroposis: Refers to a condition where the stomach drops down and puts pressure on neighboring organs, causing abdominal discomfort.

- Ascites: Refers to an accumulation of excess fluid in the abdominal cavity, commonly seen in liver or kidney diseases.

- Abdominal muscle tear: Refers to a condition where abdominal muscles are torn due to external force, usually occurs during intense exercise or injury.

- Umbilical hernia: Refers to a protrusion of internal organs caused by weakened or damaged muscles around the navel.

- Pancreatitis: Refers to acute or chronic inflammation of the pancreas, often characterized by severe upper abdominal pain.

5. In summary, the abdomen is an important part of our body that serves multiple functions such as protection, support, and movement. It consists of various structures including muscles, peritoneum, and visceral organs. Any abnormalities or diseases related to this area can cause discomfort and affect our overall health. Therefore, it is essential to take care of our abdomen through a healthy diet and regular exercise.


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