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1) She spoke with a soft, low-pitched voice, almost like a sheep's bleat.


2) The old man's voice had a soothing quality, like the gentle bleating of a sheep.


3) The shepherd's voice was drowned out by the loud bleating of the sheep.


4) She imitated the sheep's bleating to get the attention of her friends.


5) The little lamb let out a soft bleat when it saw its mother coming back.


5.组词:绵羊皮(sheepskin)、绵羊毛(sheep wool)、绵羊场(sheep farm)、绵羊肉(mutton)、绵羊毛衣(sheep wool sweater)

6.Sheepish sound, also known as sheep-like sound, is a pronunciation feature that refers to a low, soft voice similar to the bleating of a sheep. It is commonly found in English, especially in British English.

The main characteristics of sheepish sound include its low and soft tone, which sounds like a gentle hum. It is produced by placing the tongue relaxed and hanging down with the tip touching the palate. Sheepish sound also tends to have a dragging effect, with brief pauses during pronunciation.

The origin of sheepish sound can be attributed to various factors such as one's native language, dialect, and social environment. For example, people living in rural areas of England often interact with sheep and over time develop a low and soft way of speaking similar to the bleating of sheep.

In conclusion, sheepish sound is a unique feature of British English, characterized by its low and soft tone, relaxed tongue position, and dragging effect. It is influenced by one's native language and social environment. Whether you find it charming or annoying, it is undoubtedly a distinctive part of the British accent.


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