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East building is a term used to refer to the buildings located on the east side of a larger complex, usually consisting of one or more buildings. As part of a larger architectural ensemble, East building has a unique history and characteristics.

Throughout history, East building has served as an integral part of important places such as imperial palaces and temples. These structures were often built with durable materials such as stone or wood, and had grand and magnificent appearances. With the development of society and advancements in architectural technology, East building has also evolved and can now be found in residential areas, commercial spaces, and other types of buildings.

Compared to other structures, East building has several distinct features:

(1) Significant location: As the easternmost part of a complex, East building often holds great significance. It can serve as the main entrance to the complex or be used for special purposes such as an observation deck.

(2) Complex structure: As part of a larger architectural ensemble, the structure of East building is often more intricate compared to standalone buildings. It needs to be connected with other buildings while also maintaining overall balance and stability.

(3) Diverse functions: With the progress of society and advancements in architectural technology, East building has become more versatile in its functions. Apart from traditional uses such as residences and offices, it can also serve as commercial spaces, cultural centers, and more.

(4) Exquisite design: As part of a larger architectural ensemble, East building is often designed with great attention to detail. It needs to be in harmony with the rest of the complex while also having its own unique style and characteristics.


(1) This large complex consists of a main building, west building, south building, and east building, with the latter being the newest addition.

(2) The design of this east building is unique and has become a beautiful landmark in the city.

(3) Being located on the easternmost side, this east building plays a crucial role as the main entrance to the complex.

(4) In this ancient palace, the east building was where emperors resided and holds significant historical value.

(5) After years of development, this east building has become one of the busiest commercial centers in the city.

Word combinations:

(1) West building, south building, north building

(2) Main building, secondary building, annex

(3) East side, west side, south side, north side

(4) Architectural ensemble/complex

(5) Grand and magnificent/magnificent/unique style


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