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3.空间艺术的读音为kōng jiān yì shù,读法为kong1 jian1 yi4 shu4。








- 空间感:指通过创造和利用空间来表现出来的感觉。

- 空间设计:指利用空间来规划和布置环境,以实现特定的功能或达到美学效果。

- 空间装置:指在特定的空间内创作出来的装置艺术作品。

- 空间感知:指人们对于空间的感知和认知能力。

- 空间美学:指对于空间的审美价值和美学意义的探讨和研究。

6.Space art is an art form that uses space to create and present works of art. It is not limited to traditional flat works, but uses space itself as a medium and form of expression. It can include various forms such as architecture, sculpture, installation art, etc., aiming to create unique spatial experiences in artistic works.

Space art originated in Europe in the early 20th century and was influenced by the modernist movement at that time. Its development history can be divided into several stages: The first stage was from the early 20th century to before World War II, with prominent figures such as Russian painter Malevich and German sculptor Brancusi. The second stage was from after the war until the 1960s, when space art began to merge with architecture and sculpture, and many important artists emerged such as American sculptor Andy Goldsworthy. The third stage was from the 1970s to the 1980s, when space art began to combine with conceptual art, giving rise to new forms of art such as installation art. The fourth stage is from the 1990s until now, when space art began to incorporate digital technology and new emerging forms of art emerged.

The pronunciation of space art is kōng jiān yì shù, and it is pronounced as kong1 jian1 yi4 shu4.


(1) His works are full of exploration and creation of space, making him a master of space art.

(2) The most famous space art work in this city is a huge sculpture that perfectly blends the city with nature.

(3) This exhibition brings together many internationally renowned space artists who use different materials and techniques to present works in different styles.

(4) This installation art piece takes the audience into a virtual space, providing an unprecedented experience.

(5) Architects and sculptors collaborated to create this unique building, which is considered one of the most representative works of contemporary space art.


- Spatial sense: refers to the feeling created by using and creating space.

- Spatial design: refers to the planning and arrangement of spaces to achieve specific functions or aesthetic effects.

- Spatial installation: refers to installation art created within a specific space.

- Spatial perception: refers to people's perception and cognitive abilities towards space.

- Aesthetics of space: refers to the exploration and research on the aesthetic value and significance of space.


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