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1. 竹枝词


2. 清平乐


3. 酒泉子


4. 赠竹


5. 竹里馆





1. “竹外桃花三两枝,春江水暖鸭先知。” ——苏轼《惠崇春江晚景》

2. “莫道不销魂,帘卷西风,人比黄花瘦。” ——李清照《声声慢》

3. “红豆生南国,春来发几枝。” ——王安石《减字木兰花》

4. “绿树村边合,青山郭外斜。” ——陆游《赠竹》

5. “竹里馆,高楼寂寞,竹影沉沉。” ——杨慎《竹里馆》


1. 竹林:指生长着大量竹子的地方。

2. 竹篱:用竹子编制成的围墙。

3. 竹笋:从竹子中生长出来的嫩芽,是一种常见的蔬菜。

4. 竹叶青:一种以绿茶为基础,加入竹叶制作而成的茶饮。

5. 竹马:用竹子做成的玩具马,也指小孩子之间的友谊。

Bamboo House Poems refer to ancient poems written in bamboo groves, which mostly depict the beauty of bamboo and express the love for nature and insight into life. They are a unique form of literature in Chinese literature, with profound cultural connotations and artistic value.

There are many famous Bamboo House Poems, among which the most well-known include "Bamboo Branch Songs", "Qingping Yue", "Jiu Quan Zi", etc. These works are treasures in Chinese literature and have influenced countless literati and poets throughout history.

1. Bamboo Branch Songs

"Bamboo Branch Songs" were written by Su Shi, a famous poet from the Northern Song Dynasty, consisting of five poems. They use delicate and gentle language to describe the beauty of bamboo groves and the leisurely life of people living in them. The most famous one is "Chang Xiang Si", which is considered a "timeless masterpiece" by later generations.

2. Qingping Yue

"Qingping Yue" was written by Li Qingzhao, a famous poet from the Southern Song Dynasty, consisting of ten poems. These poems use simple and lively language and a fresh and elegant artistic conception to express longing for a peaceful life and profound thoughts on life. The most famous one is "Sheng Sheng Man", which is known as a "timeless masterpiece".

3. Jiu Quan Zi

"Jiu Quan Zi" was written by Wang Anshi, a famous poet from the Yuan Dynasty, consisting of three poems. These poems use a bold and unrestrained style and strong wine culture atmosphere to depict scenes of drinking and having fun in bamboo groves. The most famous one is "Lin Jiang Xian", which is praised as a "timeless masterpiece".

4. Zeng Zhu

"Zeng Zhu" was written by Lu You, a famous poet from the Southern Song Dynasty, consisting of five poems. These poems use clear and agile strokes and graceful emotions to express praise for the beauty of bamboo groves and gratitude for deep friendship. The most famous one is "Shan Ting Xia Ri", which is called a "timeless masterpiece".

5. Bamboo House

"Bamboo House" was written by Yang Shen, a famous poet from the Ming Dynasty, consisting of five poems. These poems use fresh and natural style and profound philosophy to depict the state of seeking inner peace in bamboo groves. The most famous one is "Zhu Li Guan", which is hailed as a "timeless masterpiece".

The pronunciation of Bamboo House Poems often follows the rules of tone patterns and has rich rhymes, showcasing the unique rhythm and beauty of classical Chinese poetry. Some words also have special pronunciations, such as the character "竹" which can be pronounced as "zhú" or "jú", depending on the tone of the sentence.

Bamboo House Poems are often used to express feelings and praise for nature, life, and friendship. They are also frequently used as ics for literati gatherings, becoming an important subject for scholars to exchange ideas and showcase their talents.


1. "Peach blossoms outside the bamboo, the warm spring river knows first." - Su Shi's "Hui Chong Chun Jiang Wan Jing"

2. "Don't say love fades away, with curtains swaying in the west wind, people are thinner than yellow flowers." - Li Qingzhao's "Sheng Sheng Man"

3. "Red beans grow in the southern land, a few branches bloom when spring comes." - Wang Anshi's "Jian Zi Mu Lan Hua"

4. "Green trees merge by the village fence, blue mountains slant beyond the city wall." - Lu You's "Zeng Zhu"

5. "Bamboo House, tall building lonely, bamboo shadows deep." - Yang Shen's "Zhu Li Guan"


1. Bamboo grove: refers to a place where a large number of bamboo grows.

2. Bamboo fence: a fence made of woven bamboo.

3. Bamboo shoots: tender shoots that grow from bamboo plants and a common vegetable.

4. Bamboo leaf green: a type of tea drink made from green tea leaves and bamboo leaves.

5. Bamboo horse: a toy horse made of bamboo, also refers to friendship between children.

In conclusion, Bamboo House Poems are a unique form of literature in Chinese culture that showcases the love for nature and life through beautiful depictions of bamboo groves. These poems have stood the test of time and continue to inspire and influence writers and poets today.


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