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秦桧,读作“qín huì”,是古代著名的家、文学家、书法家。他是北宋末年权臣,曾任宰相,因其奸佞阴险、谋害忠良而被后人唾弃。秦桧也被称为“秦鬼”,其名字成为世人耻笑的对象。



1. qín huì:这是普通话的标准发音,也是最常见的发音。

2. jīn huì:这是一些方言中常用的发音,比如山东话。

3. qíng huì:这是一些古籍中出现的发音,可能更接近当时的真实发音。


1. 秦桧当政期间,百姓生活艰难。

2. 秦桧能言善辩,但却心怀恶意。

3. 秦桧为了自己的私利,不惜牺牲利益。

4. 秦桧所作所为令人深恶痛绝。

5. 秦桧最终遭到众人唾弃,成为历史上不可磨灭的耻辱。


1. 桧木:指杉木等树种的木材,常用于建筑、制作家具等。

2. 桧柏:指柏树的一种,也叫做“白桧”,是一种珍贵的观赏植物。

3. 桧叶:指杉树的叶子,常被用来制作药物。

4. 桧林:指生长着大量杉树的森林。

5. 桧室:指以桧木为主要建材建造的房屋。


Qín huì, also known as Qín guǐ, was a famous politician, writer and calligrapher in ancient China. He was a powerful minister in the late Northern Song Dynasty and served as prime minister. However, he was despised by later generations for his treacherous and malicious acts of harming loyal officials. His name has become a symbol of shame and disgrace.


Qín huì can be pronounced as "qín huì", which is the standard pronunciation in Mandarin Chinese and the most commonly used one.

Other possible pronunciations include:

1. "jīn huì": This is a common pronunciation in some dialects, such as Shandong dialect.

2. "qíng huì": This is a pronunciation found in some ancient texts, which may be closer to the original pronunciation.


1. During Qín huì's rule, the lives of the people were difficult.

2. Qín huì was eloquent and persuasive, but his heart was filled with evil intentions.

3. Qín huì sacrificed the interests of the country for his own personal gain.

4. Qín huì's actions were abhorrent and unforgivable.

5. In the end, Qín huì was despised by the people and became an eternal shame in history.

Compound words:

1. Huì mù: Refers to the wood of cypress or other trees, often used in construction or making furniture.

2. Huì bǎi: Refers to a type of cypress tree, also known as "white cypress", which is a precious ornamental plant.

3. Huì yè: Refers to the leaves of a cypress tree, often used in traditional medicine.

4. Huì lín: Refers to a forest with a large number of cypress trees growing.

5. Huì shì: Refers to a house built primarily with cypress wood.

In summary, Qín huì was a powerful minister in ancient China who was known for his treacherous and malicious acts. His name has become synonymous with shame and disgrace, and is still used as a cautionary tale in Chinese culture today.


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