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这个成语的读音为“zhí lái zhí wǎng”,第一声和第三声都是平声,第二声是上声。


1. 他的性格很直来直往,从不会说谎或者隐瞒事实。

2. 老师教育我们要做人要坦诚,不要像那些喜欢绕弯子的人那样,应该学会像他一样直来直往。

3. 我们之间没有什么秘密,所以我可以跟你说实话,我觉得你应该更加坦诚一点,不要总是绕弯子。

4. 他虽然有时候说话比较冲动,但是他的个性却非常直来直往。

5. 在商业领域中,有时候需要保留一些信息才能取得成功。但是有些人却选择了以诚相待的方式去经营自己的事业,在商业上也能取得很大的成功。


1. 坦诚直率(形容词短语)

2. 直言不讳(形容词短语)

3. 毫无保留(形容词短语)

4. 光明正大(形容词短语)

5. 开门见山(动词短语)


Straightforwardness is a term used to describe a person who is honest, open, and direct in their actions and words without any hidden agenda or deceit. This idiom can be used to describe someone's character or behavior.

What does "straightforwardness" mean?

The pronunciation of this idiom is "zhí lái zhí wǎng", with the first and third tones being flat and the second tone being rising.

What does "straightforwardness" mean?

1. His character is straightforward, he never lies or hides the truth.

2. Our teacher taught us to be honest and not beat around the bush, we should learn to be straightforward like him.

3. There are no secrets between us, so I can tell you the truth. I think you should be more straightforward and not always beat around the bush.

4. Although he can be impulsive at times, his personality is very straightforward.

5. In the business world, sometimes it's necessary to withhold information in order to succeed. However, some people choose to conduct their business with honesty and still achieve great success.

What does "straightforwardness" mean?

1. Honest (adjective phrase)

2. Frank (adjective phrase)

3. Without reservation (adjective phrase)

4. Aboveboard (adjective phrase)

5. Get straight to the point (verb phrase)

What does "straightforwardness" mean?






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