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1. inpatient是指住院患者,即在医院内接受治疗和护理的患者。inpatient一词由"in"和"patient"两个单词组合而成,其中"in"表示在内部,在这里指在医院内部,"patient"表示患者。因此,inpatient可以理解为在医院内部接受治疗的患者。

2. inpatient的用法和例句:

- The hospital has a total of 500 beds for inpatients. (这家医院共有500张床位供住院患者使用。)

- The doctor recommended that the patient be admitted as an inpatient for further observation. (医生建议将该患者作为住院患者进行进一步观察。)

- The hospital provides high-quality care for both outpatients and inpatients. (该医院为门诊和住院患者提供高质量的护理。)

- The inpatient ward is located on the third floor of the hospital. (住院病房位于医院的三楼。)

- The hospital has separate buildings for outpatient and inpatient services. (该医院有专门的建筑物用于门诊和住院服务。)


3. "inpatient"一词的读音为/ˈɪnpeɪʃənt/,其中重音在第二个音节,即"pay"这个音节上。发音时,要注意将"in"和"patient"两个单词的读音连在一起,不要停顿。


4. 用例1:The hospital has a separate wing for inpatients.


用例2:The inpatient treatment was successful and the patient was discharged after a week.


用例3:The hospital provides a comfortable environment for inpatients to recover.


用例4:The doctor visits the inpatients every morning to check on their progress.


用例5:The inpatient ward is equipped with state-of-the-art medical equipment.



5. 组词:

- outpatient and inpatient (门诊和住院)

- inpatient care (住院护理)

- inpatient treatment (住院治疗)

- inpatient ward (住院病房)

- inpatient services (住院服务)

- inpatient unit (住院部门)

- inpatient stay (住院期间)


6. 中英文对照:

- inpatient: 住院患者

- hospital: 医院

- treatment: 治疗

- care: 护理

- observation: 观察

- ward: 病房

- outpatient: 门诊患者

- medical equipment: 医疗设备

- progress: 进展情况

- discharge: 出院



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