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白鹳(学名:Ciconia ciconia),又称白鹭、白苍鹭,是一种大型的涉禽类动物。它们属于鹳科,是一种常见的候鸟,主要栖息在欧洲、亚洲和非洲地区。白鹳是一种优雅的飞禽,它们以其雪白的羽毛和高挑的身形而闻名。

1. 白鹳是什么动物?


2. 白鹳的特征和习性有哪些?



3. 白鹳是什么动物?

白鹳(Ciconia ciconia)的读音为/baɪdʒ steɪkən/,其中“ciconia”一词源自拉丁语,意为“鹳”。

4. 白鹳的特征和习性有哪些?


5. 白鹳是什么动物?


White stork (Ciconia ciconia) is a large wading bird that belongs to the family Ciconiidae. It is also known as white egret or white heron. These birds are commonly found in Europe, Asia, and Africa, where they inhabit wetlands, marshes, rivers, and lakes. White storks are known for their graceful flight and striking appearance with their snow-white feathers and long legs.

1. What is a white stork?

The white stork is a large wading bird that belongs to the family Ciconiidae. They can grow up to 100 cm in length with a wingspan of 180 cm. They have long legs and necks, with a black bill and red face. There is no significant difference in appearance between males and females.

2. What are the characteristics and habits of white storks?

White storks primarily inhabit wetlands, marshes, rivers, and lakes. They feed on small aquatic animals, insects, amphibians, and small mammals. Except during the breeding season, they are usually solitary birds.

White storks are excellent fliers and can cover thousands of kilometers during migration. They are also popular as an ornamental bird and can often be seen in zoos and parks.

3. What is a white stork?

The pronunciation of white stork (Ciconia ciconia) is /baɪdʒ steɪkən/, with "ciconia" derived from Latin meaning "stork".

4. What are the characteristics and habits of white storks?

Word association: Snow-white, tall, long legs, necks, red face, marshes, wetlands, insects, breeding season, migration.

5. What is a white stork?

What are the characteristics and habits of white storks?

白鹳(学名:Ciconia ciconia),又称白鹭、白苍鹭,是一种大型的涉禽类动物,属于鹳科。它们主要栖息在欧洲、亚洲和非洲地区的湿地、沼泽、河流和湖泊周围。白鹳以其雪白的羽毛和优雅的飞行姿态而闻名。

1. 白鹳是什么动物?


2. 白鹳的特征和习性有哪些?



3. 白鹳是什么动物?

白鹳(Ciconia ciconia)的读音为/baɪdʒ steɪkən/,其中“ciconia”一词源自拉丁语,意为“鹳”。

4. 白鹳的特征和习性有哪些?


5. 白鹳是什么动物?


White stork (Ciconia ciconia) is a large wading bird that belongs to the family Ciconiidae. It is also known as white egret or white heron. These birds are commonly found in wetlands, marshes, rivers, and lakes in Europe, Asia, and Africa. White storks are known for their snow-white feathers and graceful flight.

1. What is a white stork?

The white stork is a large wading bird that belongs to the family Ciconiidae. They can grow up to 100 cm in length with a wingspan of 180 cm. They have long legs and necks, with a black bill and red face. There is no significant difference in appearance between males and females.

2. What are the characteristics and habits of white storks?

White storks primarily inhabit wetlands, marshes, rivers, and lakes. They feed on small aquatic animals, insects, amphibians, and small mammals. Except during the breeding season, they are usually solitary birds.

White storks are excellent fliers and can cover thousands of kilometers during migration. They are also popular as an ornamental bird and can often be seen in zoos and parks.

3. What is a white stork?

The pronunciation of white stork (Ciconia ciconia) is /baɪdʒ steɪkən/, with "ciconia" derived from Latin meaning "stork".

4. What are the characteristics and habits of white storks?

Word association: Snow-white, tall, long legs, necks, red face, marshes, wetlands, insects, breeding season, migration.

5. What is a white stork?

What are the characteristics and habits of white storks?


1. 白鹳是什么动物?


2. 白鹳的特征和习性有哪些?



3. 白鹳是什么动物?

白鹳(Ciconia ciconia)的读音为/baɪdʒ steɪkən/,其中“ciconia”一词源自拉丁语,意为“鹳”。

4. 白鹳的特征和习性有哪些?


5. 白鹳是什么动物?


White stork (Ciconia ciconia) is a large wading bird that belongs to the family Ciconiidae. It is also known as white egret or white heron. These birds are commonly found in wetlands, marshes, rivers, and lakes in Europe, Asia, and Africa. White storks are known for their snow-white feathers and tall, elegant appearance.

1. What is a white stork?

The white stork is a large wading bird that belongs to the family Ciconiidae. They can grow up to 100 cm in length with a wingspan of 180


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