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1. 定边县是陕西省宝鸡市下辖的一个县,位于陕西省西北部,距离省会西安约300公里。定边县历史悠久,是古代丝绸之路上的重要节点,也是著名的老区。

2. 定边县的地理位置十分优越,北接甘肃省天水市,东连宝鸡市眉县、太白县,南接陕西省汉中市略阳县、勉县,西与宁夏区固原市隔黄河相望。境内地势起伏,属于黄土高原和秦岭山脉交界地带,气候温和湿润。

3. 定边县历史上曾经是秦、汉两代的都城所在地,也是唐朝著名诗人杜甫曾经居住过的地方。在抗日战争时期,定边县成为了领导的抗日根据地之一,并留下了许多壮举和遗迹。

4. 例句:

(1) 定边县位于黄河流域中游地区。

(2) 定边县是一个具有悠久历史的文化名县。

(3) 定边县是我国西北地区重要的农业生产基地。

(4) 定边县是一个山清水秀、物产丰富的美丽县城。

(5) 定边县是一个充满和红色记忆的地方。

5. 组词:


6. Dingbian County, located in the northwest of Shaanxi Province, is a county under the jurisdiction of Baoji City. With a long history, it was an important node on the ancient Silk Road and a well-known revolutionary base area.

The geographical location of Dingbian County is excellent, bordering Tianshui City in Gansu Province to the north, Meixian and Taibai County in Baoji City to the east, Lueyang and Mian County in Hanzhong City to the south, and facing Guyuan City in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region across the Yellow River to the west. The terrain is undulating, belonging to the junction of Loess Plateau and Qinling Mountains, with a mild and humid climate.

In history, Dingbian County was once the capital city of Qin and Han dynasties and also where the famous Tang Dynasty poet Du Fu lived. During the Anti-Japanese War, Dingbian County became one of the anti-Japanese base areas led by the Communist Party of China, leaving behind many heroic deeds and revolutionary relics.

Dingbian County is located in the middle reaches of the Yellow River. It is a cultural county with a long history, an important agricultural production base in northwest China, and a beautiful county with picturesque scenery and abundant resources. It is also a place full of revolutionary spirit and red memories.

Dingbian Ancient City, Dingbian Battle, Dingbian Conference, Dingbian Dumplings, Dingbian Bridge, Dingbian Wine, Dingbian Yellow Flower Vegetable, Dingbian Grottoes, Dingbian Bitter Buckwheat Tea, and Dingbian Red Dates are all closely related to the history and culture of this county.

In conclusion, as a dictionary editor for the dictionary industry, it is my responsibility to provide accurate information about places like Dingbian County. With its rich history and unique geographical location, it is not only a beautiful county in Shaanxi Province but also a place with deep revolutionary heritage. I hope this vocabulary editing can help readers have a better understanding of this county.


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