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5.Desert North is a place in Liaoning Province, China, located in the western part of Liaoning Province, bordering Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region to the north, Hebei Province to the east, and Hebei and Shandong Provinces to the south. Desert North is located in the heartland of the Loess Plateau and is one of China's important agricultural production bases.

The climate of Desert North belongs to temperate continental climate, with cold winters and hot summers, and short spring and autumn seasons. The winter is cold and dry, while the summer is hot and rainy. The average annual temperature is around 6-8 degrees Celsius, with a maximum temperature of 40 degrees Celsius and a minimum temperature of -30 degrees Celsius.

6.Desert North is a unique place in China that has both harsh winters and hot summers. Its location on the Loess Plateau makes it an important agricultural production base for the country. However, due to its continental climate, water resources are scarce in this region. The local government has been taking measures to address this issue while also promoting modernization in agriculture.

In terms of tourism, Desert North offers vast grasslands and beautiful scenery that attract many visitors every year. However, due to its extreme climate conditions, visitors should be prepared for both hot summers and cold winters. The local government has also been investing in developing tourism infrastructure and promoting sustainable tourism practices.

In conclusion, Desert North is a place with a unique climate and landscape, making it an important region for both agriculture and tourism in China. Its development and progress will continue to be influenced by its climate, but with proper planning and management, it has the potential to become an even more prosperous and attractive destination.


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