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1. imagine是动词,意为“想象;设想;猜想”。:I can't even imagine what it would be like to live on Mars.(我甚至无法想象在火星上生活会是什么样子。)

2. imagine的用法:

(1) imagine可以接名词、代词、动名词或从句作宾语。:She imagined herself as a famous singer.(她想象自己成为一名著名的歌手。)

(2) imagine也可以用于被动语态,表示“被认为;被想象”。:He was imagined to be the next president.(大家认为他将是下一任。)

(3) imagine还可以与介词短语连用,常见的有imagine doing sth、imagine sb doing sth、imagine sth happening等。:I can't imagine living without music.(我无法想象没有音乐的生活。)

3. imagine的例句:

(1) I can hardly imagine how she manages to juggle her job and three kids.(我几乎无法想象她是如何兼顾工作和三个孩子的。)

(2) It's hard to imagine a world without electricity nowadays.(现在很难想象一个没有电的世界。)

(3) Imagine being able to travel back in time and meet your ancestors!(想象一下能够穿越时空,见到你的祖先!)

(4) I can't imagine him being a teacher.(我无法想象他当老师。)

(5) Imagine if we had won the lottery, we could have bought our dream house.(想象一下如果我们中了,就能买到我们梦想中的房子。)

4. imagine的组词:

(1) imaginable(形容词):可想象的,可设想的。:The movie had every imaginable special effect.(这部电影拥有各种可想象的特效。)

(2) imagination(名词):想象力,创造力。:She has a vivid imagination and can come up with the most amazing stories.(她有丰富的想象力,能够编出最令人惊讶的故事。)

(3) imaginative(形容词):富于想象力的,有创造性的。:The children were very imaginative and created their own games to play.(孩子们非常有想象力,创造了自己玩耍的游戏。)

5. imagine是什么意思,imagine的用法和例句中英文对照:







1)I can hardly imagine how she manages to juggle her job and three kids.(我几乎无法想象她是如何兼顾工作和三个孩子的。)

2)It's hard to imagine a world without electricity nowadays.(现在很难想象一个没有电的世界。)

3)Imagine being able to travel back in time and meet your ancestors!(想象一下能够穿越时空,见到你的祖先!)

4)I can't imagine him being a teacher.(我无法想象他当老师。)

5)Imagine if we had won the lottery, we could have bought our dream house.(想象一下如果我们中了,就能买到我们梦想中的房子。)




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