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Jiangchengzi Mizhou Hunting Translation (Chinese-English Contrast)?

1. Explanation of Jiangchengzi Mizhou Hunting Translation (Chinese-English Contrast):

Jiangchengzi: Refers to the famous ancient Chinese poet Su Shi, whose pen name was Dongpo Jushi and once served as the governor of Mizhou.

Mizhou: An ancient place name, now known as Rizhao City in Shandong Province.

Hunting: Refers to going out to hunt.

Translation: The process of converting a language or written expression into another language or written expression.

2. 江城子密州出猎翻译(中英对照)?读音读法:

江城子:jiāng chéng zǐ

密州:mì zhōu

出猎:chū liè

翻译:fān yì

2. Jiangchengzi Mizhou Hunting Translation (Chinese-English Contrast)? Pronunciation:

Jiangchengzi: jiāng chéng zǐ

Mizhou: mì zhōu

Hunting: chū liè

Translation: fān yì

3. 江城子密州出猎翻译(中英对照)?的用例:






3. Examples of Jiangchengzi Mizhou Hunting Translation (Chinese-English Contrast):

Sentence 1: Su Dongpo often goes hunting in Mizhou, enjoying the beauty of nature.

Sentence 2: There are many wild animals in the mountains and forests of Mizhou, and Su Dongpo can always bring back a full harvest every time he goes hunting.

Sentence 3: When Su Dongpo goes hunting in Mizhou, he always brings his favorite bow and arrows.

Sentence 4: When going hunting in Jiangchengzi Mizhou, it is common for Su Dongpo to invite some friends to join him.

Sentence 5: When Su Dongpo goes hunting in Jiangchengzi Mizhou, he also writes many beautiful poems.

4. 江城子密州出猎翻译(中英对照)?组词:

1. 江城子:Jiangchengzi

2. 密州:Mizhou

3. 出猎:hunting

4. 翻译:translation

5. 苏东坡:Su Dongpo

6. 大自然:nature

7. 野兽:wild animals

8. 弓箭:bow and arrows

9. 好友:friends

10. 诗篇:poems

4. Jiangchengzi Mizhou Hunting Translation (Chinese-English Contrast)? Word Groups:

1. Jiangchengzi: Jiangchengzi

2. Mizhou: Mizhou

3. Hunting: hunting

4. Translation: translation

5. Su Dongpo: Su Dongpo

6. Nature: nature

7. Wild Animals: wild animals

8. Bow and Arrows: bow and arrows



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