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1) 这座公园里有一处美丽的自然水景,让人感受到大自然的魅力。

2) 在这个人工水景中,设计师巧妙地利用灯光营造出了浪漫的氛围。

3) 这座花园里有一条动态水景,每天都吸引着众多游客前来观赏。

4) 这个城市建造了许多实用性水景,既美观又能满足市民休闲娱乐的需求。

5) 在这片静态水景中,你可以远离喧嚣,在宁静中放松身心。


1) 湖泊、河流、瀑布、池塘、喷泉、人工湖、小溪、水潭、水帘、喷泉池

2) 自然水景、人工水景、静态水景、动态水景、观赏性水景、实用性水景

8.Water scenery refers to the landscape with water as the main element, which usually includes natural waters such as lakes, rivers, and waterfalls, as well as artificial constructions like ponds and fountains. As a unique type of garden scenery, water scenery has the characteristics of romance, freshness, and elegance, and is widely used in parks, courtyards, gardens and other places.

According to different features and purposes, water scenery can be divided into two main categories: natural water scenery and artificial water scenery. Natural water scenery refers to naturally formed lakes, rivers and so on, which have a strong sense of original ecology; while artificial water scenery is constructed and designed by humans, which can be modified and adjusted according to needs.

Natural water scenery usually has diversity and variability, presenting different appearances in different seasons and weather conditions. On the other hand, artificial water scenery pays more attention to design sense and artistic effect. It has strong expressive power in terms of shape, color, lighting and other aspects.

In addition to the above two categories, water scenery can also be divided into static water scenery and dynamic water scenery according to specific forms. Static water scenery mainly refers to still ponds or lakes with the characteristics of tranquility; while dynamic water scenery includes waterfall fountains with a sense of flow that can create a vibrant atmosphere.

Water scenes can also be classified into ornamental water scenes and practical water scenes based on their functions. Ornamental water scenes are mainly for admiring beautiful views and adding atmosphere to places like small fountains in gardens; practical water scenes take more consideration of practical value such as artificial lakes in parks for recreational activities.


1) There is a beautiful natural water scenery in this park, which allows people to feel the charm of nature.

2) In this artificial water scenery, the designer cleverly uses lighting to create a romantic atmosphere.

3) There is a dynamic water scenery in this garden, attracting many visitors every day.

4) This city has built many practical water scenes that are both beautiful and can meet the needs of citizens for leisure and entertainment.

5) In this static water scenery, you can get away from the hustle and bustle and relax in peace.

Word combinations:

1) Lakes, rivers, waterfalls, ponds, fountains, artificial lakes, streams, pools, water curtains, fountain pools

2) Natural water scenery, artificial water scenery, static water scenery, dynamic water scenery, ornamental water scenery, practical water scenery



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