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Toxic fog and its hazards and protective measures

1.Toxic fog is a mixture of toxic gases, usually emitted by chemical or biological substances. It can suspend in the air and has strong irritant and toxic effects, which can be harmful to humans and animals.

2.The main hazard of toxic fog lies in its toxicity, which can enter the human body through inhalation, skin contact, or ingestion. Once inhaled, it directly affects the respiratory system, causing symptoms such as difficulty breathing, coughing, and chest tightness. Long-term exposure to toxic fog can also lead to lung diseases. If the skin comes into contact with toxic fog, it may cause burns or allergic reactions. Ingestion of food or water contaminated with toxic fog can also cause discomfort or even poisoning.

To effectively prevent and respond to the hazards of toxic fog, we need to take some protective measures.

3.Protective measures include the following aspects:

(1) Maintain good ventilation: In an environment contaminated by toxic fog, maintaining good ventilation is the most basic and effective protective measure. By opening doors and windows or using air purifiers, the concentration of toxic fog can be effectively reduced.

(2) Wear protective equipment: When handling toxic substances, protective masks, gloves, and suits should be worn. These equipment can effectively isolate toxic fog and protect the body from harm.

(3) Avoid contact: In the event of an accident or at the scene of an accident, try to stay away from the area where toxic fog is present and avoid direct contact. If you have to get close, please wear protective equipment.

(4) Emergency treatment: Once a poisoning incident occurs, immediate emergency treatment should be taken. For example, artificial respiration and cleaning of contaminated skin.

(5) Regular check-ups: For those who are frequently exposed to toxic substances, regular health check-ups are very important. Timely detection of potential health problems can take preventive measures against diseases.

4.Example sentences:

(1) They wore thick protective suits before entering the area filled with toxic fog.

(2) Due to long-term exposure to toxic fog, his lungs have been severely damaged.

(3) A leakage accident occurred in a factory, causing a cloud of toxic fog in the surrounding area and residents were evacuated one after another.

(4) They risked their lives by carrying oxygen tanks into the contaminated area and successfully rescued trapped personnel.

(5) Due to not having regular health check-ups, his lung disease has progressed to an advanced stage.

5.Word combinations:

Toxic fog protection, Toxic fog poisoning, Toxic fog concentration, Toxic fog pollution, Protective mask, Protective suit, Protective gloves, Emergency treatment, Health check-up, Ventilation system.



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