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1. discount是指商品的折扣,通常是指商家为吸引顾客而提供的降价优惠。:The store is offering a 20% discount on all items this weekend.(这个周末,这家店所有商品都打八折)

2. discount的用法和例句读音读法:[ˈdɪskaʊnt],读作/dɪsˈkaʊnt/。:He got a discount on the new phone because he is a loyal customer.(他因为是忠实顾客,所以在新手机上得到了折扣)

3. discount的用法和例句的用例:

例句1:I got a student discount at the movie theater by showing my student ID.(我出示学生证在电影院得到了学生优惠)

例句2:The restaurant offers a 10% discount for seniors over 60 years old.(这家餐厅为60岁以上的老年人提供10%的折扣)

例句3:She was able to get a discount on her flight tickets by booking in advance.(她通过提前预订成功获得了机票折扣)

例句4:The store offers discounts for bulk purchases, so I bought more to save money.(这家店为大宗购买提供折扣,所以我多买了些来省钱)

例句5:The company gives employees a corporate discount at selected hotels when traveling for business purposes.(公司在员工出差时给予在指定酒店的企业折扣)

4. discount是什么意思,discount的用法和例句组词:

折扣率(discount rate)、打折(to discount)、优惠券(discount coupon)、折扣码(discount code)、促销活动(discount promotion)

5. discount是什么意思,discount的用法和例句的中英文对照:

- 意思:折扣

- 用法:商家为吸引顾客而提供的降价优惠

- 例句:

1. The store is offering a 20% discount on all items this weekend. (这个周末,这家店所有商品都打八折)

2. He got a discount on the new phone because he is a loyal customer. (他因为是忠实顾客,所以在新手机上得到了折扣)

3. I got a student discount at the movie theater by showing my student ID. (我出示学生证在电影院得到了学生优惠)

4. The restaurant offers a 10% discount for seniors over 60 years old. (这家餐厅为60岁以上的老年人提供10%的折扣)

5. She was able to get a discount on her flight tickets by booking in advance. (她通过提前预订成功获得了机票折扣)



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