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桧柏是一种常绿乔木,属于松科植物。它的学名叫做“Cryptomeria japonica”,原产地是日本和,目前已经被广泛引种到世界各地。桧柏树高可达50米,树干笔直,树冠呈圆锥形,枝叶茂密,叶子为针状。













桧柏的读音为“huì bǎi”,是一个四声词组。其中,“桧”字读作“huì”,意为“香气浓郁的树木”;“柏”字读作“bǎi”,意为“常青树”。













Cryptomeria japonica is a species of evergreen coniferous tree belonging to the Cupressaceae family. It is commonly known as Japanese cedar and is native to Japan and China, but has been widely introduced and cultivated around the world. The tree can reach up to 50 meters in height with a straight trunk and a conical crown, and has dense foliage with needle-like leaves.

The characteristics of Cryptomeria japonica include:

1. Cold tolerance: This tree is highly resistant to cold temperatures and can thrive even in sub-zero conditions. It can survive in temperatures as low as -20℃, making it suitable for cultivation in northern regions.

2. Fast growth rate: Cryptomeria japonica grows at a rapid pace, with an annual growth rate of over 1 meter. It is adaptable to different soil and climate conditions, making it easy to maintain.

3. Hardwood: The wood of this tree is hard, dense, and durable, with natural resistance to decay. It is widely used in construction, furniture making, and handicrafts.

4. Fragrant: Cryptomeria japonica has a unique fragrance that has earned it the nickname "king of trees". Its wood can be extracted to make essential oils used in perfumes, soaps, and other products.

5. Ornamental value: The tree has a beautiful shape and dense foliage, making it popular for trimming into various shapes such as bonsai and rock gardens. Its foliage also changes color throughout the seasons, adding to its ornamental value.

The uses of Cryptomeria japonica include:

1. Building material: The hardwood of this tree is durable and resistant to decay, making it suitable for use in construction. It can be used to make eaves, flooring, doors, and windows.

2. Furniture making: The wood of Cryptomeria japonica has a beautiful grain pattern and a unique fragrance, making it ideal for furniture making. It can be used to make tables, chairs, beds, and other furniture that lasts for a long time.

3. Handicrafts: The wood of this tree can be extracted for its essential oils and has high ornamental value, making it popular in the handicraft industry. It can be used to make carvings and decorations.

4. Landscaping: With its beautiful shape and ability to be trimmed into various forms, Cryptomeria japonica is also widely used in landscaping projects. It adds beauty to gardens when trimmed into different shapes.

5. Medicinal value: This tree also has some medicinal properties in traditional Chinese medicine as a herb that clears heat and detoxifies the body. It is commonly used to treat colds and coughs.

The pronunciation of Cryptomeria japonica is "huì bǎi", a four-tone word. The character "桧" is pronounced as "huì", meaning "tree with a strong fragrance", while the character "柏" is pronounced as "bǎi", meaning "evergreen tree".

Examples of using Cryptomeria japonica:

1. The courtyard is decorated with several Cryptomeria japonica trees, adding a fresh scent to the entire space.

2. This furniture factory uses Cryptomeria japonica wood to make exquisite furniture that is loved by consumers.

3. In Japan, people often trim Cryptomeria japonica into different shapes and place them in courtyards or parks for appreciation.

4. This plant not only has ornamental value but also produces essential oils that can be used in perfumes, soaps, and other products.

5. With its strong cold tolerance, Cryptomeria japonica is widely cultivated in northern regions.

Compound words related to Cryptomeria japonica:

1. Cryptomeria forest: A forest with a large number of Cryptomeria japonica trees.

2. Cryptomeria wood: Wood obtained from the Cryptomeria japonica tree.

3. Cryptomeria garden: A garden specifically dedicated to growing and displaying Cryptomeria japonica trees.

4. Cryptomeria leaves: Leaves taken from the tree that are often used as medicinal herbs.

5. Cryptomeria fragrance: The fragrance extracted from the tree, which can be used to make perfumes, soaps, and other products.

In conclusion, Cryptomeria japonica is a versatile evergreen coniferous tree with many uses and characteristics that make it popular around the world. Its strong cold tolerance, fast growth rate, durable hardwood, fragrant aroma, and ornamental value all contribute to its popularity in various industries such as construction, furniture making, and landscaping.


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