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2.李陵碑的读音为“lǐ líng bēi”,其中“李”读作lǐ(第四声),意为姓氏;“陵”读作líng(第二声),意为墓地;“碑”读作bēi(第一声),意为石刻。整体来看,李陵碑这个词汇在发音上比较简单流畅,容易被人们接受和记忆。










6.Li Lingbei's historical background and significance

1. Li Lingbei is a stone stele located in Xiangyang City, Hubei Province. It is the oldest existing stone stele in Chinese history and the world. It was built in 186 BC by Emperor Wu of Han to commemorate his loyal minister Li Ling. Li Ling was a general during the reign of Emperor Wu of Han and showed great bravery in war, but was falsely accused and executed. This stele records his achievements and unfortunate fate, as well as showing respect and mourning for him.

2. The pronunciation of Li Lingbei is "lǐ líng bēi", with "李" pronounced as lǐ (fourth tone), meaning surname; "陵" pronounced as líng (second tone), meaning tomb; "碑" pronounced as bēi (first tone), meaning stone stele. Overall, the pronunciation of Li Lingbei is smooth and easy to remember.

3. Li Lingbei has significant historical significance in Chinese history. Firstly, it records a real historical event, namely the tragic fate of Li Ling being falsely accused and executed. Secondly, it shows Emperor Wu's respect and mourning for Li Ling, reflecting the loyalty and gratitude between ruler and subject in ancient times. In addition, the stone carving techniques used on Li Lingbei also have historical value, reflecting the level of stone carving art during the Han Dynasty.

4. Example sentences:

(1) It is said that Li Lingbei is the oldest existing stone stele in Chinese history.

(2) Li Lingbei records a tragic historical story.

(3) In Chinese traditional culture, loyal ministers are often remembered on steles.

(4) Emperor Wu of Han erected this stele to commemorate Li Ling and gave it special significance.

(5) Li Lingbei not only has historical value but is also an artistic treasure.

5. Related words:

memorial stele, stone carving, historical event, false accusation, execution, mourning, ruler-subject relationship, gratitude, stone carving techniques, level of stone carving art.

6. In conclusion, Li Lingbei is a significant historical relic that not only records a real event but also reflects the loyalty and gratitude between ruler and subject in ancient times. It also showcases the stone carving techniques of the Han Dynasty, making it a valuable piece of art. As the oldest existing stone stele in Chinese history, Li Lingbei holds an important position in Chinese culture and history.


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