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1. flush是什么意思?


2. flush是什么意思?读音读法


3. flush是什么意思?的用例

1) The toilet wouldn't flush, so I had to call a plumber. (马桶无法冲洗,所以我不得不请了一名管道工人。)

2) She flushed her face with cold water to wake herself up. (她用冷水洗脸来让自己清醒。)

3) After winning the game, he was flushed with excitement. (赢得比赛后,他兴奋不已。)

4) The sudden noise made the birds flush from the trees. (突然的噪音让鸟儿从树上飞走。)

5) The doctor told her to drink plenty of water to help flush out the toxins in her body. (医生建议她多喝水来帮助排出体内的毒素。)

4. flush是什么意思?组词

- flushable: 可冲洗的

- flushing: 冲洗的

- flushed: 兴奋的,红着脸的

- unflushed: 未冲洗的

5. flush是什么意思?的中英文对照

flush: 冲洗,冲刷

- flushable: 可冲洗的

- flushing: 冲洗的

- flushed: 兴奋的,红着脸的

- unflushed: 未冲洗的



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