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1. 暴走是指一个人或者一群人在情绪激动或者失控的情况下,快速地奔跑或者行走的行为。通常情况下,暴走是一种消耗过量能量的行为,也可以作为一种释放压力和情绪的方式。

2. 暴走(bào zǒu)的读音为第二声和第三声,其中“暴”字读作bào,意为突然、急剧;“走”字读作zǒu,意为行走、奔跑。

3. 暴走可以用来形容人们在兴奋、愤怒、疯狂等情绪下的行为。:“他因为考试失败而暴走了。”“球迷们在球队获胜后都开始暴走庆祝。”

4. 组词:暴走族(指喜欢进行暴走活动的一群人)、暴走漫画(以幽默搞笑形式描绘生活中各种场景)、爆发式暴走(指突然发生且规模巨大的)。

5. 暴走(Bàozǒu)is a Chinese term that refers to the act of running or walking rapidly while being emotionally agitated or out of control. It is usually a physically exhausting behavior and can also be seen as a way to release stress and emotions.

6. In summary, 暴走 is a Chinese term that describes the act of running or walking rapidly while being emotionally agitated or out of control. It can be used to release stress and emotions, but it can also refer to sudden and violent outbursts. The term has become popular in recent years, especially among younger generations, and is often used in various forms of media such as literature, comics, and internet memes. As a dictionary editor, it is important to stay updated with the latest slang terms and their meanings in order to provide accurate definitions for our readers.


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