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2.南粤这个词的读音为nán yuè,在广东话中也可以读作lòk ngai。在汉语拼音中,可以写作Nanyue或Nan Yue。在古代,南粤还被称为“岭南”,意为“山脉之南”。这个名称至今仍被广泛使用。















1,South Guangdong refers to where? What are the history and culture of South Guangdong?

2. Where is South Guangdong? What is the pronunciation and spelling of South Guangdong?

3. The culture and history of South Guangdong are rich and colorful. It has been a place where different ethnic groups and cultures converge since ancient times.

4. Examples:

(1) The Lingnan culture is a brilliant pearl in the treasure house of Chinese culture.

(2) South Guangdong's cuisine attracts countless tourists to come and taste.

(3) Folk arts in South Guangdong show a strong sense of life.

(4) The unique architectural style of Lingnan is breathtaking.

(5) The historical relics in South Guangdong witness its long history and diverse culture.

5. Word combinations:

(1) Lingnan culture, Lingnan architecture, Lingnan cuisine, Lingnan folk customs, traditional arts of Lingnan

(2) Guangdong Province, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Pearl River Delta, Hong Kong and Macao regions

(3) Maritime Silk Road, Tea Horse Ancient Road, Cantonese opera, Hakka people

(4) Landscape painting, Gulangyu Island, Flower City Guangzhou, A Bite of China

(5) Traditional medicine culture, seafood stalls, Snake King Temple banquet

6. Summary:

South Guangdong is an important region in China with a long history and splendid culture. It is located in the southern part of China and includes Guangdong Province and parts of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. Its rich cultural heritage reflects the convergence and fusion of different ethnic groups and cultures. South Guangdong has also been one of the earliest places in China to open up to foreign trade and has been greatly influenced by outside cultures. Its unique architecture, delicious cuisine, traditional arts and crafts are all worth exploring. South Guangdong is not only a representation of Chinese civilization but also a window to the world.


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