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Three, Five, and Seven Character Poems: Meaning and Interpretation

1. Three, five, and seven character poems are a type of classical poetry in which each line consists of three, five, or seven characters. It is one of the most common forms of poetry in ancient China and still has a wide influence today. Three, five, and seven character poems can be seen as a treasure of Chinese literature with rich cultural background and artistic value.

2. The understanding of three, five, and seven character poems can be viewed from two aspects: first, from the form aspect, it is a specific poetic form with strict rules. Each line consists of three, five or seven characters and requires each character to have alternating tones (pingze). This rhythm requirement makes the poem more beautiful and rhythmic.

Secondly, from the content aspect, three, five, and seven character poems can express various themes and emotions. In the Tang and Song dynasties, it was widely used to express political views as well as love for nature. In modern times, many writers have also used it to express their feelings or satire. Therefore, it can be said that three, five, and seven character poems are multi-functional poetic forms.

3. Regarding pronunciation in modern Chinese language,"three" is pronounced as "sān", "five" as "wǔ", and "seven" as "qī". However in ancient Chinese language there might be different pronunciations due to language development and changes.

4. There are countless examples of three, five, and seven character poems. Here are some common ones:

(1) "Farewell to Du Shaofu on His Appointment to Shu Zhou" (Wang Bo)

"The city walls support the three Qin regions, the wind and smoke overlook the five rivers. The parting thoughts with you, my friend, as we both go on our official duties."

(2) "Looking at Jiangnan" (Li Bai)

"In Jiangnan one can gather lotus flowers, their leaves spread out endlessly. Fish play among the leaves, swimming here and there."

(3) "Spring Morning" (Meng Haoran)

"As I slept in spring unaware of dawn, everywhere I heard birds sing. The sound of wind and rain last night, how many flowers have fallen?"

(4) "Memories of Red Cliff" (Su Shi)

"I think back to those days when Gongjin was alive; Xiaoqiao was newly married with a splendid figure. With a feather fan and a silk cap he chatted and laughed; his boat's oars flew up like ashes in the wind."

(5) "Inscription on the Wall at West Forest Temple" (Su Shi)

"When viewed sideways it looks like a mountain range; from afar it appears as peaks rising high or low. I do not know what Mount Lu really looks like; I am only here in this mountain."

5. Three, five, and seven character poems can also form longer poetic forms such as five-character quatrains, seven-character quatrains, five-character regulated poems, seven-character regulated poems etc. They all developed from three, five and seven character poems with their own characteristics.

6. In conclusion, three, five and seven character poems are not just a type of poetry but also represent a rich cultural heritage of China. Their unique form and content have made them stand the test of time and continue to inspire poets and readers alike.


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