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2.冬天的读音为[dōng tiān],读作“东天”。它由两个汉字组成,分别是“冬”和“天”,其中“冬”指代寒冷的季节,“天”指代一段时间。



5.Winter is the fourth season of the year, and it is also the coldest season. Its characteristics include low temperature, short daylight hours, heavy snowfall, and strong winds.

6.Winter is a season that brings both beauty and challenges. The cold weather and snow can create stunning landscapes, but they can also make daily life more difficult. People have to find ways to keep warm and deal with the harsh conditions. Animals have to adapt to the changing environment by hibernating or migrating. And for some, winter is a time of celebration and gathering with loved ones.

As an editor in the dictionary industry, I am responsible for defining and explaining words accurately and effectively. So, let's dive into the definition and characteristics of winter.

Winter is one of the four seasons that make up a year, along with spring, summer, and autumn. It is characterized by its low temperatures, short daylight hours, heavy snowfall, and strong winds. In most parts of the world, winter starts in December and ends in March.

The word "winter" comes from the Old English word "wintra," which means "time of water." This refers to the rain and snow that fall during this season. In Chinese, the character 冬 (dōng) means "cold," while 天 (tiān) means "time." Together, they represent a period of cold weather.

One of the main characteristics of winter is its low temperature. As the Earth tilts away from the sun during this season, less sunlight reaches certain areas on our planet. This results in colder temperatures as there is less heat energy from the sun to warm up the Earth's surface. In some places, temperatures can drop below freezing point (-0°C/32°F). However, there are also regions where it never gets too cold due to their geographical location or climate.

Another characteristic of winter is its short daylight hours. Due to Earth's tilt away from the sun during this season, there are fewer hours of sunlight in a day compared to other seasons. This can affect people's daily routines as they have less time for outdoor activities or work during daylight hours.

Winter is also known for its heavy snowfall, especially in regions with a continental climate. Snow is formed when water vapor in the air freezes into ice crystals and falls to the ground. The accumulation of snow can create a beautiful winter wonderland, but it can also cause problems such as transportation disruptions and power outages.

Strong winds are another common feature of winter. These winds can be caused by temperature differences between warm and cold air masses, leading to strong gusts and blizzards. They can also make the already cold temperatures feel even colder, creating a wind chill effect.

In some parts of the world, winter is also associated with holidays and festivals such as Christmas and New Year's Eve. These celebrations bring people together to enjoy warm meals, exchange gifts, and create happy memories during the cold season.

Winter has many uses in our daily lives. For example, we use words like "chilly," "frosty," or "freezing" to describe the cold weather during this season. We also use phrases like "bundle up" or "keep warm" to remind ourselves to dress appropriately for the weather.

In terms of activities, winter offers a variety of options such as skiing, ice skating, or building snowmen. Some people enjoy cozying up by the fireplace with a hot drink and a good book during this season.

Animals have their ways of coping with winter as well. Some hibernate to conserve energy while others migrate to warmer regions. Some animals have thick fur coats or feathers that help them stay warm in cold weather.

To sum up, winter is a season that brings both beauty and challenges. It is characterized by its low temperatures, short daylight hours, heavy snowfall, and strong winds. It is a time for celebrations and gathering with loved ones but also requires us to adapt to its harsh conditions. So next time you experience winter's chilliness, remember its unique characteristics that make it an essential part of our yearly cycle.


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