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人非生而知之者 孰能无惑的意思(解释)?

1. 人非生而知之者,指的是人类在出生时并不具备所有的知识,需要通过学习和经验积累来获得。孰能无惑,则是说谁能够不被迷惑,保持清醒的思维。

2. 读音读法:rén fēi shēng ér zhī zhī zhě shú néng wú huò。

3. 用例:

- 他从小就对科学充满了好奇心,因此成为了一名优秀的科学家。他深信人非生而知之者 孰能无惑,只有通过不断地探索和实践才能获得真正的知识。

- 在面对各种复杂的社会问题时,我们常常会感到迷茫和困惑。但如果我们相信人非生而知之者 孰能无惑,就会更加勇敢地去寻找答案。

- 老师常常告诉学生要虚心学习,因为人非生而知之者 孰能无惑。只有保持谦逊和求知的心态,才能不断进步。

- 在这个信息爆炸的时代,我们很容易被各种信息所迷惑。但如果我们相信人非生而知之者 孰能无惑,就会更加理性地选择和接受信息。

- 作为一名医生,他深知人非生而知之者 孰能无惑。因此,他不断学习和研究,以提供更好的医疗服务。

4. 组词:

- 知之者(知识的拥有者)

- 无惑(不被迷惑)

- 非生(非出生时)

- 孰能(谁能够)

- 人类(人的体)

5. 中英文对照:

人非生而知之者 孰能无惑:Who can remain unconfused when one is not born with knowledge?

读音读法:rén fēi shēng ér zhī zhī zhě shú néng wú huò


1. He has been curious about science since he was a child, so he became an excellent scientist. He firmly believes that who can remain unconfused when one is not born with knowledge, only through constant exploration and practice can one obtain true knowledge.

2. When facing various complex social problems, we often feel lost and confused. But if we believe that who can remain unconfused when one is not born with knowledge, we will be more courageous in seeking answers.

3. Teachers often tell students to learn with an open mind, because who can remain unconfused when one is not born with knowledge. Only by maintaining a humble and inquiring attitude can we continue to progress.

4. In this era of information explosion, we are easily confused by various information. But if we believe that who can remain unconfused when one is not born with knowledge, we will make more rational choices and accept information.

5. As a doctor, he knows well that who can remain unconfused when one is not born with knowledge. Therefore, he continues to learn and research in order to provide better medical services.

人非生而知之者 孰能无惑这句话深深地触动了我的内心。它提醒我们要保持谦逊和求知的心态,不断学习和探索。在我看来,只有拥有这样的心态,才能不被迷惑,保持清醒的思维。同时,我也希望通过我的工作来帮助更多的人理解这句话,并且激发他们对于知识和学习的热情。因为我相信,只有不断学习和进步,我们才能成为真正有智慧的人。让我们一起坚信:人非生而知之者 孰能无惑!


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