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1. headquarters是什么意思?的解释:


2. headquarters是什么意思?读音读法:

headquarters的读音为 /ˈhedˌkwɔːtərz/,其中头两个字母“he”发音为 /hi/,第三个字母“d”发音为 /d/,最后一个字母“s”发音为 /z/。重音在第一节,“qua”发长音 /kwɔː/。

3. headquarters是什么意思?的用例:

1) Our company's headquarters is located in New York.


2) The police have set up a temporary headquarters in the town hall.


3) The United Nations has its headquarters in New York City.


4) The new CEO will be based at the company's European headquarters in London.


5) The city was once the cultural headquarters of the country.


4. headquarters是什么意思?组词:


- regional headquarters (区域总部)

- company headquarters (公司总部)

- military headquarters (总部)

- police headquarters (总部)

- campaign headquarters (竞选总部)

5. headquarters是什么意思?的中英文对照:

headquarters - 总部

headquarters是一个令人敬畏的词汇,它着一个组织、公司或者的核心管理所在地。它也可以指代某个地区或的、经济、文化等方面的中心。无论是在发音上还是用法上,我们都应该对这个词有所了解。它可以与其他词组合成许多常用的词汇,如“regional headquarters”、“company headquarters”等。总之,headquarters是一个充满力量和魅力的词汇,它能够让我们联想到各种各样的事情,并且在我们日常生活中也经常被提及。


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