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Meaning of "贱人英文怎么写": How to write "贱人" in English.


Pronunciation of "贱人英文怎么写": jiàn rén yīng wén zěn me xiě. (jiàn: /dʒiɛn/, rén: /rən/, yīng: /jɪŋ/, wén: /wɛn/, zěn me: /zɛn mə/, xiě: /ʃiə/)


Usage of "贱人英文怎么写": This phrase is commonly used when someone wants to know how to write a word or phrase in English, usually for the purpose of translation or communication with English speakers.


1. 我不知道这个词怎么写,你能告诉我贱人英文怎么写吗?(I don't know how to write this word, can you tell me how to write it in English?)

2. 他是一个典型的贱人,总是想着自己的利益。(He is a typical 贱人, always thinking about his own interests.)

3. 我们需要一个能够熟练使用英语的翻译,知道如何将这个词汇贱人翻译成英文。(We need a translator who is proficient in English and knows how to translate this word 贱人 into English.)

4. 她的行为真是太贱了,让所有人都感到厌恶。(Her behavior is really 贱, making everyone feel disgusted.)

5. 他们用贱人英文怎么写来表达自己的情感,却被误解了。(They used 贱人英文怎么写 to express their emotions, but they were misunderstood.)


Synonyms and usage of "贱人":

1. 卑鄙 (bēi bǐ) - despicable; lowly; vile

2. 下流 (xià liú) - vulgar; obscene; filthy

3. 恶劣 (è liè) - mean; nasty; wicked

4. 狭隘 (xiá ài) - narrow-minded; petty; small-minded

5. 自私 (zì sī) - selfish; self-centered


In conclusion, "贱人英文怎么写" is a phrase used to ask how to write a word or phrase in English, usually for the purpose of translation or communication with English speakers. It can also be used to describe someone who is despicable, lowly, or vile in their actions or behavior. Synonyms for "贱人" include 卑鄙, 下流, 恶劣, 狭隘, and 自私. As an editor of a dictionary or translator, it is important to understand the meaning and usage of this phrase in order to accurately convey its meaning in English.


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