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1. 承担责任英文怎么写的意思:

The meaning of "承担责任英文怎么写" is to take responsibility and fulfill one's obligations in a responsible manner.


2. 怎么读(音标):

Pronunciation: [chéng dān zé rèn yīng wén zěn me xiě]

3. 用法:


4. 例句1-5句且中英对照:

1) 我们必须承担起自己的责任,尽力做好每一件事。

We must take on our responsibilities and do our best in everything we do.

2) 作为一名领导者,你必须学会承担责任。

As a leader, you must learn to take responsibility.

3) 她总是能够勇于承担责任,这让她在团队中备受尊重。

She always has the courage to take on responsibilities, which earns her great respect within the team.

4) 公司的成功离不开每个员工都能够承担自己的责任。

The success of the company relies on each employee taking on their responsibilities.

5) 孩子们需要学会承担自己的责任,这样他们才能成长为独立的人。

Children need to learn to take on their responsibilities so they can grow into independent individuals.

5. 同义词及用法:

- 承担责任 (chéng dān zé rèn): take responsibility

- 履行职责 (lǚ xíng zhí zé): fulfill one's obligations

- 负责任 (fù zé rèn): be responsible

- 尽职尽责 (jìn zhí jìn zé): be diligent and responsible

6. 编辑总结:



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