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Meaning: To be responsible for saying something in English.

Pronunciation: /fəˈlɪsər juːz ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ ˈhaʊ tə seɪ/

Usage: This phrase is used to indicate that someone is responsible for speaking or communicating something in English. It can refer to a specific task or responsibility, such as translating or interpreting, or it can refer to a general skill or ability to communicate effectively in English.


Example sentences:

1. As the team leader, I am responsible for communicating with our international clients. This includes being able to speak fluently and accurately in English.


2. The company hired a new employee who is fluent in both Chinese and English. She will be responsible for translating important documents into English.


3. In this role, you will be responsible for saying the company's message clearly and concisely in English, both internally and externally.


4. As a language model AI, I am responsible for providing accurate translations from Chinese to English.


5. The teacher asked the students to take turns being responsible for saying the vocabulary words in English.


Synonyms and Usage: To be in charge of saying something in English can also be expressed as "to be accountable for speaking" or "to have the duty of communicating." Other synonyms include "to be tasked with saying," "to have the responsibility of expressing," or "to hold the role of communicating."

编辑总结: 负责用英语怎么说是指某人负责在英语中表达或传达某事物。它可以指特定的任务或职责,如翻译或口译,也可以指一般的能力或技巧,在英语中有效地沟通。同义词包括“负责说”,“承担说”的义务,“有传达的责任”,“担任沟通的角色”等。


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