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1. The meaning of "豢字的意思" is a title for ancient officials, referring to the official in charge of feeding and managing horses.

2. "豢字的意思" is pronounced as "huan4".

3. This term is mainly used in ancient times to address an official position.

4. Example sentence 1: 古代官员中,豢字是一个非常重要的职位。

Translation: Among ancient officials, "豢字" was a very important position.

5. Example sentence 2: 豢字一般由年轻有为的官员担任,需要具备丰富的马匹知识。

Translation: The position of "豢字" was usually held by young and capable officials who had extensive knowledge about horses.

6. Synonyms and usage:

- 马政 (ma3 zheng4): another title for the official in charge of managing horses

- 马监 (ma3 jian1): another title for the office where horses were managed

- 管马官 (guan3 ma3 guan1): another term for the official in charge of managing horses

7. Editor's summary:

In summary, "豢字" is a title used to refer to an ancient official responsible for managing and feeding horses. It was an important position that required extensive knowledge about horses. Other terms such as 马政, 马监, and 管马官 can also be used interchangeably with 豢字.


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