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Meaning: How to write "shallow English" in English.


Pronunciation: /ˈʃæloʊ ˈɪŋglɪʃ/

Usage: This phrase is used to describe something that is not deep or profound, especially in terms of knowledge or understanding of a subject.

Example sentences:

1. Her understanding of the ic was only skin-deep, as she had only read a few articles about it.


2. Don't just rely on shallow English, dig deeper and do some research if you want to truly understand the subject.


3. The book only provides a shallow English translation of the poem, I suggest you find a more comprehensive version online.


4. His knowledge of the language was shallow at best, he could barely hold a conversation with native speakers.


5. The article's analysis was too shallow and failed to provide any new insights into the issue.


Synonyms and usage: superficial, surface-level, shallow-minded, simplistic, superficial understanding

Editor's summary: "Shallow English" refers to something that lacks depth or is not thoroughly explored. It can be used to describe a person's understanding or knowledge of a ic, as well as a translation or analysis that is not comprehensive. Synonyms such as "superficial" and "surface-level" can also be used to convey a similar meaning.


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